Talk:Mario is Missing!

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Yesterday at my uncles house I was on youtube and found a bad review. Use it as a source.--Dummmmmmy 14:09, 23 September 2007 (EDT) I do not own the game I just saw a youtube video.--Dummmmmmy 14:13, 23 September 2007 (EDT)

Is this review official or just some random fan complaining about the game? -- Sir Grodus Random. It was actually a resonse to a review. I can't watch again at home because my internet is to slow here. I will put videos there once I move back.--Dummmmmmy 14:19, 23 September 2007 (EDT)

I have a question about this game: I have heard that there is an unnamed woman resembling Daisy in this game. Other things say it was Daisy. Are the people who say it is Daisy just too lazy to say it just looked liked Dasiy? Or has it been proven that it was Daisy and people are too lazy to go back and change what they said about it was an unnamed woman resembling Daisy? WK

I've heard no proof of it. — Stooben Rooben 20:56, 19 August 2008 (EDT)

Actually there is a women that resembles Daisy, but there is no proof that it's really her. Here's the picture:Daisy%20in%20mario%20missing.jpg


Should we mention Weegee on this page? OR should we save that stuff for UnMario? YoshiKart 22:17, 1 January 2009 (EST)

It fanon. That stuff should be at UnMarioWiki. GrapesGrapes Grapes


I forget if I'm thinking of this or Mario's Time Machine, but there's a question in one of those two that asks "Who painted the Sistine Chapel?". The correct answer is Michaelangelo, and the other choices are Leonardo, Raphael (I believe) and Splinter. Would this count as a reference to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Magikrazy51 (talk)

Separate pages?

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As with quite a few 8-16 bits era simultaneous release, the three versions of Mario is Missing! aren't "ports" as much as different games that happen to share a premise and similar assets (same goes for Mario's Time Machine). Wouldn't it be more advisable to have separate pages? --Glowsquid (talk) 07:23, 15 August 2013 (EDT)