What up Larryman how's it going. - Pahud B. Koopa


Good. Well that's good. - Pahud B. Koopa By the way I LIKE PLAYING CARDS. - Pahud B. Koopa

So you like cards. -Larryman Yah I like playing cards and I also call people very nice.


Goodbye for now I will talk to you some other day. Bye



userspace edits

Dear Larryman,

It has come to our attention that you are currently in violation of the userspace policy. Please review the policy and abide by it, or else a warning will be issued. Thank you for your cooperation.

                                                         Yo, Larryman do ya like the videos I put on my userpage. - Pahud B. Koopa


  This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior (moving useless pages) on the Super Mario Wiki. Please adhere to the rules or you will be blocked from editing this site.
If you feel this warning was undeserved, you may appeal it.

ENOUGH. Movinf Subocon (species without the () is MORE confusing. So stop.

{{SUBST:nosubst|User:Raphaelraven497/sig}} 19:18, 12 May 2010 (EDT)

Since you've already made the page for it, all you have to do is type it in brackets around the beginning and ending instead of links, like this: {User:Larryman/sig} except add two brackets at the beginning and ending, to make it turn out like this:  Larryman   Funky K 38 475.png

Yo, Larryman I just wanted to say that your sig is pretty cool. Pecos Bill...Never Mind I was bored so I just said that. Oh by the way I just wanted to ask you if you have seen Boxman 2.0 yet. See ya man.-Pahud Some of it  Larryman Cool you should watch the rest it's pretty funny well in a way.-Pahud So what are you up to right now.-Pahud Nothin  Larryman Hey bud whats up. What you doing.-Pahud Oh by the way I wanted to tell you that I changed VCR Hack to The Yanni Show. Yah so you should watch The Yanni Show.-Pahud K, well i'll talk to you some other time man. See ya.-Pahud Wasabi Larryman- Pahud

Ok  Larryman

Pahud's Sig

Yo ya like my sig Pahud B. Koopa Hey man sup. I was just checkin if my sig works. Pahud B. Koopa