Dry Bones

Hey this is Dry dry bones! As you probably already know,Mario rocks!(same with Dry Bones)

Caped Mario after clearing #2 Morton's Castle
I was in there when it collasped! :(




Bowser's luma (talk)

I only have one friend :(

I made this image myself


About me

  1. Im a Dry Bones.
  2. I work for Dry Bowser and Bowser.
  3. My voice is different then other Dry Bones'.
  4. I live in Dry Dry Desert.



Classic gallery

    File:Super Mushroom.gif File:Fire Flower.gif File:1UpMushroomSMB.png   File:Small Mario.gif File:Super Mario.gif File:Fire Mario.gif       File:Birdo.gif File:100px-mushroom.gif

My sig

 Dry dry bones 

Dry dry bones' journal

This is my journal! I will try to add more every day. Hope you like!

Entry 1 OK, first off let me say, it was SUPER embarrassing to be defeated by a PRINCESS in Super Princess Peach. Every Dry Bones gets stomped on by Mario or Luigi, but never PEACH! now you know why I was crying in some parts of that adventure...File:Sad Dry Bones.PNG I want to make a user box tower, but every time I try, it's just too hard. So I gave up, but that does NOT mean I'm a quiter! I never gave up on Mario or Luigi... well sure I gave up on Peach, but I cant attack a girl!

Entry 2 This morning my alarm clock went off normally like it always does to get me up, so I hit the button on top to stop it, but it kept ringing! So I hit the button again, but it was no use. Then I through it against the wall, but it kept going off! I started stomping on it, but still, it would not go off. after trying all these thing that didn't work, I got tired of it and through it in the pond behind my house, but I could still hear it going off from beneath the surface! So I went inside and got one of my extra bones and through it to bake open the alarm clock open so the water would fill in and brake it, but I missed! So I fished the thing out and chucked it.(I was really angry) The ground hit the button, and it turned off! Then I remembered you have to hit the button THREE times to turn it off! Then I screamed in rage, and went on with my day. I also made my new sig today! Check it out above under my sig

Entry 3 On Saturday it was Bowser's Luma's B-day! Hope he had a good one! Also anyone from the USA, happy 4th of july! Mine was awesome! There was fire, and bangs, and sparks! Then our neighbor blooper came and fired off hisfireworks, it was fun!!!

Youtube videos

No offense to bowser in this video. <Youtube>mLTAfOJ9ztE</Youtube>

Best Nintendo commercial ever!!! <Youtube>K783SDTBKmg</Youtube>


File:Dry Bowser - Dry Bones - Winter Games.jpg
Me playing hockey with my boss.(I'm the one on the right.)
This paint feels weird on my face!
What the heck Mario?!
Quit it!
File:MP7 DryBones.jpg
I finally made it to Mario Party!