
“C-can't s-stand it! The hunger-the HUNGER!”
Belome, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Belome is a strange four-eyed beast and the guardian of Kero Sewers. Since he lives in darkness, Belome has grown four eyes to help him see. Belome also controls the water level of Kero Sewers with a ! Switch located in his chambers. When released, the ! switch activates a floodgate that allows water from Midas River to flow through the sewers.

Additionally, Belome also makes his home in a golden, underground shrine built in his honor, Belome Temple, located at Land's End.


Kero Sewers

During the events of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Mario and Mallow have to fight the dog-like Belome before the two heroes can head to Tadpole Pond, Mallow's home. During the battle, the monster will actually eat Mallow whole, leaving Mario to fight all by himself. Thankfully, Mario can rescue Mallow by continuously attacking Belome. However, if Mario falls while Mallow is in Belome's stomach, the game will end. Additionally, even if Mario does save Mallow, Belome will swallow him again.

Belome battling Mario and Mallow in Kero Sewers.

Besides eating Mallow, Belome attacks by licking opponents with his massive red tongue. The sewer beast also has some nasty magic attacks he can unleash on Mario's party. When Belome uses the S'crow Funk attack, he can change Mario or Mallow into a living Scarecrow.

However, after being defeated, Belome does not perish. Instead, he tells the heroes the cryptic message: "If you defeat me, you still won't beat me. Beware the flood!" In this statement, Belome foreshadows his eventual return later in the game. He then warps away to his temple at Land's End. However, when he leaves, the ! Switch he controls is released. As such, water comes gushing (as Belome predicted), sweeping Mario and Mallow into Midas River. Fortunately, the two heroes survive the rapids and continue their journey to Midas River.

Belome Temple

Eventually, Mario and his allies travel to Land's End. After traveling under a desert and battling enemies through an underground cavern, the heroes stumble upon Belome Temple. Once again, Mario's party must fight the four-eyed monster. However, in this battle, Belome not only eats party members, he also has the ability to create clones of Mario and his allies. Additionally, Belome can use his huge tongue as a weapon. However, Belome trades in his S'crow Funk attack for more sleeping spells (including the Light Beam and the Aurora Flash).

After this battle, Belome gets incredibly hungry, and disappears for the rest of the game. However, if Mario and his party travel back to Belome Temple, they will discover a golden Belome statue guarding a room full of treasures. If Mario presents the statue the key from Monstro Town, the golden effigy will eat the key and disappear, allowing Mario to claim the treasures for himself.

Cloned members of Mario's party

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The taste of Mario's party (According to Belome)

  • "Ack! Sour!" (Mario)
  • "YES! THIS is YUMMY~" (Mallow)
  • "Bitter, but not bad..." (Geno)
  • "Yuck! How repulsive!" (Bowser)
  • "Mmm, tastes peachy..." (Toadstool) (A reference to her Japanese name, Peach.)

Names in other languages



  • The Mario Clone's Psychopath thought, "......", is a reference to Mario always being a silent protagonist in the game.
  • While the other character clones are referred to by their clonefathers' names followed by the suffix "Clone", Princess Toadstool's clone is called "Toadstool 2" because of the character limits on enemies' names. However she is called "Peach Clone" in the Japanese version.


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