Three Shadows

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The Shadow Sirens are three witches in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. They consist of Marilyn, Beldam and Vivian. They aid Sir Grodus and the X-Naut Legion in their quest for Crystal Stars and retrieve the Magical Map from Mario and his friends. After Vivian joined Mario's team, Doopliss took her place. It is speculated Beldam, Marilyn and Vivian were born in Twilight Town.

Beldam, the leader of the Shadow Sirens, is an often forgetful old hag, and on more than one occasion, her forgetfulness gets Vivian in trouble. She is more of a magic user than the other two are. Marilyn is the biggest and strongest Shadow Siren in the bunch. Other than one line, "The Three," she is unable to say more than "Guh", and various forms of it. She can become stronger and hit hard. The Shadow Sirens are fought twice in the game. It is said that one of these is the merchant from the intro of the game, as near the end, Beldam says to the Shadow Queen 'I spread rumors of the treasure and found a pure-hearted maiden."

They were first sent by Grodus to ambush Mario and his friends in Boggly Woods and retrieve the map from them, but Mario and co. weren't able to battle them because they were missing the picture of Mario. When Mario and co. learned that they stole Flurrie's necklace, they fought them to get the necklace back. After their defeat, they drop the necklace.

While Mario and his friends were searching for the Ruby Star in Creepy Steeple, they planned to use an explosive item called a Superbombomb against them. Beldam blamed Vivian for losing the explosive. Mario, after Doopliss stole his appearance, found the item for Vivian and she joined the team. After Mario and Vivian defeated Doopliss, Doopliss took Vivian's place in their nefarious group.

After Mario and his comrades cleared Chapter 5, Beldam, Marilyn and Doopliss were sent to find the Garnet Star in Poshley Heights. To prevent Mario and his friends from reaching the Star during a 3-day train trip aboard the Excess Express, they stole a Ratooey Businessman's briefcase, Toodles' gold ring and the waitress' shell earrings and planned to mix them together to bomb the train with Honey Syrup and Beldam and Marilyn even had Doopliss disguise himself as Zip T., a pop star, that way nobody will suspect they committed the crime. Before putting their evil plans into fruition, Mario and his friends, with Pennington's help, managed to crack the case and return the briefcase, the shell earrings and the gold ring to their rightful owners. Since their Nitro Honey Syrup bomb idea failed, they used an alternative-- they ordered Smorgs to lower the drawbridge at the Riverside Station to stop the train from going far, but Mario and his friends managed to fend off the Smorgs and lower the drawbridge. During Day 3 of the train voyage, the Smorgs stowed away onto the train, attacked it and took the passengers hostage. Mario and his friends beat the Smorg and made it to Poshley Heights. When Mario and his friends reach the Poshley Sanctum, they discover Beldam, Marilyn and Doopliss beat them to the Garnet Star, but eventually, Beldam, Marilyn and Doopliss discovered the Garnet Star they grabbed was a red herring-- a fake!

While Mario and his friends were venturing through the Palace of Shadow, the Shadows Sirens ambushed them again and after Mario and co. defeated them, they continued on to stop Grodus from awakening the Shadow Queen. After Grodus awakened the evil queen from her eternal rest, getting destroyed in the process, Beldam took full credit for the awakening of the queen. At the very end of Mario's adventure, Beldam and Marilyn tell Vivian they'll never be mean to her again.

Paper Mario 2 Stats

Boggly Woods Battle

Vivian: HP 10, Attack 1, Defense 0
Tattle That's Vivian. She's the youngest of the three Shadow Sirens. She doesn't seem all that noteworthy. Uh... She is kind cute I guess... She might even be cuter than I am... I guess... ...Uh... What am I thinking?

Marilyn: HP 12, Attack 2, Defense 0
Tattle That's Marilyn. She's a Shadow Siren, Beldam's younger sister. She charges up her attacks occasionally. Says here she's the toughest of the sisters, so it might be best to defeat her first, huh?" Other than that, she doesn't have any particularly outstanding characteristics.

Beldam: HP 9, Attack 1, Defense 0
Tattle That's Beldam. She's the oldest sister, the leader of the Shadow Sirens. She can make her partners big and make us tiny, and attacks with weird magic. The worst thing about her is that sinister snicker. She sounds so totally evil! I mean, she's just the sort of person you want to avoid like the plague, y'know?

Palace of Shadow Battle

Doopliss: HP 40, Attack 6, Defense 0
Tattle That's Doopliss. He's a shapeshifter, and even turned into you once, Mario! He may turn into one of us and attack. When he does, he'll have our abilities! Hey, how do you think he became one of the Shadow Sirens? Isn't that...weird? How do you think he stands Beldam's abuse? You think he's all right in the head?

Marilyn: HP 40, Attack 7, Defense 0
Tattle That's Marilyn. She's Beldam's sister, another one of the Shadow Sirens. She'll attack you directly or use lightning. She also saves up energy for a big attack sometimes. So long as you avoid the brunt of her attacks, she shouldn't be too tough...

Beldam: HP 30, Attack 5, Defense 0
Tattle That's Beldam. She's the leader of the Shadow Sirens. Her special move is a blizzard blast. If it hits you, you'll totally freeze. She has lots of other tricks up her sleeves, too. I wonder what that plan was that she mentioned? What do you think they're up to?