Super Mario-kun Volume 11

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This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

Template:Manga-infobox Super Mario-kun Volume 11 is the eleventh volume of the manga series. It continues the Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, anticipated in the previous volume and follows with a one-chapter stories based on Donkey Kong for Game Boy and the beginning of the Wario's Woods arc.

This volume's extras are puzzles.


It has been requested that this section be rewritten.


Stage 1

目標キッチン島!! クララ軍団をたおせ!! (To Kitchen Island!! Defeat the Helmut Troops!!)

Stage 2

嵐を呼ぶ船出!?宝探しは前途多難!! (A stormy departure!? Treasure hunting is difficult!!)

Stage 3

地底大決戦!! チビワリオの大活躍!? (Underground Battle!! Tiny Wario's Great Success!?)

Stage 4

高みを目指して!! マリオの登山大特訓!? (Aiming high!! Mario's special mountaineering training!?)

Stage 5

洞くつ対決!! ブルワリオ猛突進!! (Cave Showdown!! Bear Wario Rush!!)

Stage 6

トゲブロスの挑戦!!一発弱点大勝負!? (Challenge of Toge Bro.!! Big game of weak points!?)

Stage 7

滝上り頂上作戦!!宝物には手を出すな!? (Operation reach the top of the waterfall!! Don't touch the treasure!?)

Stage 8

魔法道具獲得!! カビは道連れ湯は情け!? (Acquired magical tools!! Mold is compassionate for the hot springs!?)

Stage 9

炎の決闘!! 焼き肉焼いても身を焼くな!? (Duel of flames!! Don't burn yourself even if you roast meat!?)

Stage 10

特別番外編!! ドンキーコング大逆襲!! (Special extra edition!! Donkey Kong Great Counterattack!!)

Stage 11

雪原の死闘!! 雪だるま式ギャグ対決!? (Snowfield Deadly Fight!! Snowman-style showdown!?)

Stage 12

ヒンヤリ登場!! ボクシングは乱入OK!? (Introducing Penguin!! Boxing is OK!?)

Stage 13

ワリオの侵略!! 平和の森を取りもどせ!! (Wario Invasion!! Take back the Peaceful Woods!!)

Stage 14

マリオは食材!? 注文の多い料理店!! (Mario is an ingredient!? A restaurant with many orders!!)

Stage 15

ゴーラ乱心!?ダイヤモンドは永遠に!! (Goro's madness!? Diamonds for everyone!!)

Stage 16

凸凹タッグ結成!! もう一つの序章!! (Uneven tag team formed!! Another introduction!!)


マリオスーパー運動会迷路・パズル (Mario Super Sport Day Maze / Puzzle) Template:Yukio Sawada's Mangas