Hello my friend. I am Taj the Genie. I grant 3 wishes a day. And those wishes are only to make, fix, or edit an article. So if you have a wish, I will grant it, but remember. I can only grant 3 wishes a day.

My favorite DK games

I've played lot's of DK games, but I only have a few favorites:

Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

Donkey Kong 64

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Donkey Konga

But above all those DK games, my personal favorite is Diddy Kong Racing. Why? Well mostly because I appeared in it ^_^

My Return

I will be making a return in Diddy Kong Racing DS to grant all of your wishes. And those wishes are only to upgrade, change, and re-color your vehicle your vehicle. I'm also going to let you ride my Magic Carpet and pop balloons. And I'm going to grant your wish of changing characters while in Adventure Mode, I'll grant your wish of making your own emblem, and I'll give my pal T.T the power to grant your wish of making your own tracks. And even better, you can grant my wish by using me in races and smoking everyone. And plenty more granted wishes await you ^_^

-Bye Bye for now