Fawfulfury65's Talkpage!

Begin your messaging now!!!

The archives of the great Fawful!

Rules- LISTEN TO THEM!!!... Please.

Hey, excited users! I have some simple rules here:

  • Please no swearing- I just hate when people constantly swear so much that I can't even understand what they're talking about. If you do swear I'll give you a friendly warning and hopefully you won't do it again if you did swear.
  • Be nice to me and the rest of the users. That's pretty basic, right?
  • Comments go at the BOTTOM of the page.
  • Don't insult Fawful- He's my favorite character, even though he's a psycho green-guy. Don't insult Hammer Bro either- he's my 2nd favorite.
  • Do not insult pie- it tastes good.
  • Don't put things on my talk page to tick me off- you've been warned!
  • Do not spam me or anyone.
  • Have a good day!


First Heading! MWAHAHAHA!

I'd be happy to put Charmander in for you. It will have to be under Timmy Tim or myself, I- Nevermind, I just figured out how to do it without the technical stuff. I owe you one for that incredible pic! I saw it and I just started laughing it really made my day! Where'd you find it, anyways? It looks really real. I love it. Thanks so much!   Funky K 38 475.png


Woooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im on 3 week March break!!!!! Which Donkey Kong Country Game should i download on Virtual console, 1, 2, or 3? and is Super Paper Mario good?(ive only gotten bad reviews)


Raphaelraven497 (talk)


I've updated my page so try your best to come look at it alright DonkeyKongCountryRocks.

P.S. try to add more levels to the Donkey Kong Land

article please.