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Homecoming Hijinxs is the first level of Donkey Kong Island in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. This level is reminiscent of the Jungle levels of Donkey Kong Country Returns, but it is covered in ice due to the invasion of the Snowmads on the island. The level takes place near Donkey Kong's house, which can be seen in the background at the entrance. The terrain here is too icy to maintain traction and is among many other ice-related obstacles. For example, many of the ice platforms in the level crumble if jumped on more than twice, and objects such as Barrel Cannons and climbable, vine-covered walls are often connected to crumbling ice structures. On many occasions, the Kongs must remain in the Barrel Cannons until the ice breaks and aims the barrels in the correct direction, or they must hold onto the crumbling walls until the vines slide toward a platform that the Kongs can reach. The level also features areas where the Kongs must climb the walls quickly, before the vines slide into an abyss. Alongside these obstacles, enemies here include Tucks, Pointy Tucks, Hootz, Blue Hootz, and Archies.

The music selection for this area is titled "Snowmads Theme."


The level starts out near Donkey Kong's house. The level is quite tough here, that many barrel cannons, enemies, and crumbling platforms can be seen.


K-O-N-G Letters

  • K: The letter K is found immediately after the first checkpoint next to two Blue Hootz. To reach it, the player must bounce on the nearby Hootz or Painguin.
  • O: The letter O is located above a Barrel Cannon in a pit, which is found shortly after passing the second checkpoint.
  • N: After shooting through an arched structure from a Barrel Cannon, which is placed immediately after a Harey, the player can find the letter N at the end of a crumbling structure. They must move to it quickly, before the platform falls.
  • G: The letter G is located above a Blue Hootz following the vertical section of falling vine walls. A roll-jump is required to collect it safely.

Puzzle Pieces

  1. After the first Barrel Cannon section, another Barrel Cannon leading to a Bonus Level can be found hidden in the pit just crossed. In the Bonus Level, the Kongs must use two large trampolines to collect many bananas and Banana Bunches. If all the bananas are collected within thirty seconds, a Puzzle Piece appears.
  2. The second Puzzle Piece is located at the far bottom of the clingy vine wall after the first checkpoint. Donkey Kong must collect it and advance quickly before the vine wall crumbles.
  3. A clingy vine wall is hidden on the ceiling above a Harey. It leads to a treasure chest with the Puzzle Piece in it.
  4. In an area of crumbling vine walls, located before the letter G, the Kongs can find the fourth Puzzle Piece in an alcove. The alcove is hidden by a wooden board. Donkey Kong must collect it before the vine walls fall.
  5. A Puzzle Piece over a Barrel Cannon appears under the Slot Machine Barrel when the Kongs collect all the Banana Bunches at the end of the level. If Donkey Kong jumps on the platforms here more than once, they will fall.


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