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==Plot Synopsis==
==Plot Synopsis==
In a stormy day, [[Cranky]] is at [[Cranky's Cabin|his house]], admiring his work during the creation of [[Donkey Kong]] statue, until the [[Crystal Coconut]] show DK in [[Funky's Flights]], eating a lot of [[Banana]]s. Then, he uses the hologram to go there, just to scold DK and telling him to go to the cabin and he has a job, just before disappear. Donkey Kong is worried and talk to [[Funky]], who is playing "indoors surfing", while [[Diddy Kong]] searcher something to play, and finds an weird lamp. Funky explains that the lamp is a mystic oracle that can predict the future, but Donkey Kong thinks that future prediction is a joke. Funky says that he can translate the lamp signs to say the future, making Diddy interested. The ape starts to sing a song to the mystic oracle. Funky predicts that he will go surf that day with many waves, and that Diddy will be considered the smartest monkey that ever lived by someone, and DK burst out laughing, saying that "the lamp is broken". Diddy asks to Funky Donkey Kong's future. Funky says that DK will be lonely in the week, and the monkey explains that he will date with [[Candy Kong]] every night the week. The storm is over and Funky will go surfing, exactly as the oracle predicted. DK thinks that it was just a coincidence. [[General Klump]] and [[Krusha (character)|Krusha]] hear all the talk behind some barrels. Klump says to [[King K. Rool]] in a walkie-talkie that Funky owns the mystic oracle that can predict the future. Diddy and Donkey Kong go to the jungle, where [[Dixie Kong]] is sad, because her fishing rod is broken. Diddy instantly fixes it, and Dixie kisses him and say that he is "the smartest monkey that ever lived", just before leave. Diddy remembers that the mystic oracle said that, and is even more convinced that the the lamp really predicts the future. Cranky, as a hologram, scares DK and Diddy away. The Kremlings spied all.
During a stormy day, [[Cranky]] is at [[Cranky's Cabin|his house]], admiring his latest work: a [[Donkey Kong]] statue. He begins to state the epitaph he will inscribe upon it, until the [[Crystal Coconut]] shows DK at [[Funky's Flights]], eating a lot of [[Banana]]s. Using a hologram, he instantly appears at the shack, just to scold him and tell him to go to the cabin, stating that he has a job just before disappearing. Donkey Kong is worried and talk to [[Funky]], who is "indoors surfing", while [[Diddy Kong]] searches for something to play with, and finds a weird lamp. Funky explains that the lamp is a mystic oracle that can predict the future, but Donkey Kong thinks that future prediction is a joke. Funky says that he can translate the lamp's predictions, making Diddy interested. The ape starts to sing a song to the mystic oracle. Funky predicts that he will go surf that day with many waves, and that Diddy will be called the smartest monkey that ever lived. DK bursts out laughing, saying, "Now I know your lamp is broken!" Diddy then asks to Funky to see Donkey Kong's future. Funky says that DK will be lonely in the week. However, Donkey Kong still doesn't believe, explaining that he has a date with [[Candy Kong]] every night that week. The storm ends, and Funky goes surfing, exactly as the oracle predicted. DK thinks that it is just a coincidence. [[General Klump]] and [[Krusha (character)|Krusha]] hear all the talk behind some barrels, and Klump contacts [[King K. Rool]] via a walkie-talkie, stating that a mystic oracle (believing it to be a person) is telling the Kongs the future.

In Cranky's house, Cranky is accidentally hit by Donkey, and Diddy gets surprised by the statue. DK says that he is "a chip off the old block". Diddy explains about the lamp to Cranky, but the old ape thinks that it's a lie and kick them out of his house.
Diddy and Donkey Kong go to the jungle, where [[Dixie Kong]] is sad, because her fishing rod is broken. Diddy instantly fixes it, and Dixie kisses him, saying that he is "the smartest monkey that ever lived" just before leaving. Diddy remembers that the mystic oracle predicted this, and is even more convinced that the the lamp really predicts the future, though Donkey Kong still doesn't believe. He then states that he has to get to Cranky's, then turns around and notices the old ape's hologram behind him. His sudden appearance scares them, and they run off. Klump and Krusha emerge from the bushes, having witnessed everything.

The two are swinging on vines through the forest. DK says that he agrees with Cranky. Suddently, he hits a tree, just after Candy yell his name. Candy says that she cannot date with the boyfriend, because [[Bluster]] gave her a promotion and then leaves. Diddy frantically jumps and yells that the mystic oracle is actually magic. Donkey Kong is sad, because he will not see Candy this week, and Diddy thinks that the oracle can change the fate. The big ape thinks it's a good idea and they go to Funky's Flights. Klump and Krusha are hearing the conversation again. K. Rool is convinced and orders him to steal the mystic lamp.
In Cranky's house, Cranky, still in hologram form, is accidentally hit by Donkey and Diddy as they run in, turning him back to normal. Diddy then notices the statue, and begins admiring it. DK says that it is "a chip off the old block". Cranky then explains that he has to think of an epitaph for the statue. Diddy then states that the epitaph might be part of the oracle's third prediction, and explains it to Cranky, but the old ape also thinks that it's a lie and kicks them out of his house.

In Funky's Flights, the monkeys don't find Funky, and decide to ask to the mystic oracle by themselves. DK is wondering how they would ask to the oracle, and Diddy sings Funky's Mystic Oracle song, that works. The little ape asks if the fate of the "lonely loser DK" can be changed. The lamp shows a lot of [[Barrel]]s, according to Diddy, but DK doesn't understand it. They realize that the Barrels represent Bluster Barrelworks. Hologram Cranky observes them as they go to the factory. As they leave, General steals the lamp.
The two are swinging on vines through the forest, DK saying that he agrees with Cranky. Diddy tries once again to convince Donkey Kong that the lamp is a real fortune teller, but fails, as the third prediction has not come true. He is on his way to see Candy, but is distracted by her calling his name, and hits a tree. Candy tells him that she has to cancel all their dates that week, since [[Bluster Kong|Bluster]] is running a barrel promotion and she has to work double shifts, then leaves. Diddy frantically jumps and yells that the mystic oracle is actually magic. Donkey Kong is sad, because he will not see Candy this week, and Diddy thinks that the oracle can change the fate. The big ape thinks it's a good idea and they go to Funky's Flights. Klump and Krusha have once again heard the conversation, allowing K. Rool to hear using the walkie-talkie. He is convinced and orders them to kidnap the mystic oracle.
At Funky's Flights, the monkeys don't find Funky, and Diddy decides they ask the mystic oracle by themselves. DK wonders how they will ask it, and Diddy sings Funky's mystic oracle song, and it works. The little ape asks if the fate of the "lonely loser DK" can be changed. According to Diddy, the oracle is showing the image of a really big barrel, that splits into smaller barrels, but DK doesn't understand it. They realize that the barrel represent [[Bluster's Barrelworks]]. DK asks for more, but accidentally shuts off the lamp, DK stating that it "went ka-blooey". Diddy thinks this means the mystic oracle is telling them to sabotage Bluser's Barrelworks using bananas. Hologram Cranky then appears, asking for the epitaph, though Donkey Kong states that he is still working on it. Cranky disappears, and the two leave to sabotage the barrel factory. As they leave, General Klump steals the lamp.

In K. Rool's lair, the king isn't conformed with a lamp, believing that it's normal and useless. General Klump says that the lamp is the mystic oracle, and need to be translated. He and Krusha sing and dance some kinds of music, trying to make the oracle work, but fail, making King K. Rool very angry.
Back at K. Rool's lair, the king is in disbelief after realizing the mystic oracle is really a lamp, and asks how it can make predictions. General Klump tells him that the lamp needs to be translated He and Krusha then sing and dance some kinds of music, trying to make the oracle work, but fail, making King K. Rool very angry.

In Bluster's barrel factory, Donkey Kong and Diddy put bunches of banana peels on the conveyor belt, stopping the gear. Bluster is angry at Candy, before realizes that the machine is crashed. Bluster gives Candy a week off, but with no pay. Candy leaves the factory and meets Diddy and Donkey. She tells that she gained a week off and that the date is marked. DK is happy and wants to say that he would love spend the day with her, but hologram Cranky appears and DK lies, saying that he would love to be with his bronze statue. Candy gets annoyed and leaves.
Outside Bluster's, Diddy Kong throws bunches of banana peels on the conveyor belt carrying wood to make the barrels, causing the equipment to malfunction. Bluster is angry at Candy for stopping before noticing that the machinery is broke. Bluster gives Candy the week off, but with no pay. Candy leaves the factory and meets Diddy and Donkey. She tells that she gained a week off and that the date is marked. DK is happy and wants to say that he would love spend the day with her, but hologram Cranky appears and DK lies, saying that he would love to write an epitaph for his bronze statue. Candy gets annoyed and leaves. Donkey Kong states that he will make it up to her, and tells Cranky that he was in the process of something fantastic, but he interrupted him. Cranky, not buying it, tells him to stop fooling around and leaves. DK thinks about what to do, and Diddy states that the mystic oracle can possibly give them the epitaph.

In the Kremlings' cavern, K. Rool sings the song that was written in a book, but it still doesn't works. Krusha realizes that it must be turned on. The king tries to turn the dial, and is electrocuted. Klump and Krusha go to talk with Funky.
At the Kremlings' cavern, K. Rool tries to sing to it, using information he gathered from a book, but it still doesn't work. Krusha then realizes that it must be turned on. The king tries to turn the dial, but his sweat causes him to be electrocuted. K. Rool then demands that Klump and Krusha find someone that can translate, and they do so. At Funky's house, Funky is returning from his surfing, disappointed that his session did not go as planned. Klump and Krusha then emerge from behind his couch, though Funky only tells them about how his surfing session went. Klump then leads him back to K. Rool's lair. Donkey and Diddy then arrive and notice that the lamp is gone, then notice footprints and realize K. Rool's minions stole it. They soon after deduce that they also kidnapped Funky to translate.

In Funky's house, Klump and Klusha are talking to Funky and the three leave, as the two Kongs arrive. They see that the oracle is gone, and note the footprints of the Kremlings. They think why K. Rool wants the lamp and realizes that he kidnapped Funky.
Funky is brought back to K. Rool's lair and is ordered to sing the song, though Klump informs him that he is depressed over missing his wave. However, K. Rool orders Funky to sing the song once again anyway, and he complies. He sings his song, and it works. Funky states the prediction says that "the slimy dude will get exactly what he deserves", making the king happy, thinking he will be the future leader of [[Donkey Kong Island|Kongo Bongo]]. DK and Diddy appear and say that the lizards must release Funky. Funky is released, and Klump offers him his [[Mine Cart]] as a ride out. Donkey Kong then takes the lamp, though King K. Rool doesn't care, revealing to the Kongs that the oracle stated he would rule Kongo Bongo Island, making them worried. Funky negates it, saying that the oracle predicted the king will get what he deserves. The three monkeys escape in the mine cart, and K. Rool, realizing the lamp is gone, chases after them.  

In the Krems lair, Funky is ordered to sing the song, or will go to the dungeon. Funky sings, and works. The prediction says that "the slimy dude will get exactly what he deserves", making the king happy, thinking he will be the future leader of [[DK Island|Kongo Bongo]]. DK and Diddy appear and say that the lizards must release Funky. Funky is released and rides [[Cart]]. King K. Rool reveals the message that he got to the Kongs, making them worried. Funky negates it, saying that the oracle predictedd that the king will get what he deserves. The three monkeys escape in mine carts and the Kremlings chase them. DK gets the lamp. In the [[Gorilla Glacier|White Mountains]], K. Rool forces the Kongs to give the object, and DK throws it toward an abyss. King K. Rool, Klump and Krusha try to get it, falling in the process. Funky starts to surf in the snow, leaving Diddy and Donkey Kong alone. Cranky, as a hologram, appear and sees that DK learned what the statue means, as the episode ends with Donkey and Diddy laughing.
After the lamp is taken back by both groups several times, Donkey, Diddy, and Funky exit the caverns, emerging at the [[Gorilla Glacier|White Mountains]] and braking before they fall off a cliff. K. Rool, Klump, and Krusha soon follow, and the king forces the Kongs to give him the lamp before he pushes the mine cart off the cliff. As a last request, Donkey Kong asks Funky if he could throw the lamp down into the abyss, and, after gaining permission, proceeds to do so. K. Rool watches as the lamp falls, Donkey Kong stating to a worried Diddy that he realized too much knowledge can be dangerous. K. Rool then begins to slip, and Klump attempts to save him, though both are sent falling into the abyss. Krusha then follows, by foolishly leaping off the ledge. The three then begin to roll down the cliff. Diddy then states that the prediction came true, though Donkey Kong replies by saying Funky never got his wave. However, Funky Kong is on another nearby ledge, and starts to surf in the snow, leaving Diddy and Donkey Kong alone. Diddy states that the oracle was once again correct. DK says that it is easier to command ones own fate, and figures out what the epitaph should be. Cranky, as a hologram, appears once again, having lost all his patience and demands the epitaph. Donkey Kong states what he thought of, and Cranky is impressed by this. As K. Rool, Klump, and Krusha crash, Diddy states that "you don't need a mystic oracle to know that's gotta hurt" and the two laugh.
