List of Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. The quotes are listed by character.


  • "SO glad you're here! If you win this battle, I get to join you Heroes and leave here forever."
  • "Watch the Flamin' Stooges! Their Burn effect can light multiple Heroes on fire if they're too close together, forcing you to scatter!"
  • "If you come into contact with someone else while on fire. THEY'LL catch on fire too! Tough luck, but that's fire for you."


  • "Out! Out! Out! If you're here to cause trouble we're at our limit already!"
  • "Heroes? You mean like, the "put yourselves in serious danger to help total strangers" kind of Heroes?"
  • "Binga, banga, bonga, baby! Augie's gotta prayer! Ha ha!"
  • "Er... what I mean is - I've got some minor problems I could use help with. See that THING on our lighthouse?"
  • "The sun disappeared the SECOND it showed up and snuffed out our Lighthouse signal fire!"
  • "Um... Can you stop by the village first? It's under siege by a HORRIBLE MENACE! Been meaning to get on it for a while."
  • ""Spark?" THAT'S what you call those lil' star-shaped critters? Sigh... they coulda done both of us a favor and stayed home, too."
  • "Binga, banga, bonga, baby! You got the Spark! Let's get it to the lighthouse and-"



  • "Consider it done, my beloved Princess! We are happy to serve!"
  • "With our latest adventure complete, we can now kickback and relax - safe in the knowledge that EVERYTHING is under control."
  • "DON'T panic, Rabbid Peach! We'll just stroll casually along the back of this flying creature and reach your location in no time!"
  • "Uh-oh! Strike the words "causal, "stroll", and "don't panic", we've got hostiles incoming!"
  • "Mario, take cover - and don't get caught out in the open! Move from cover to cover - and remember to attack!"
  • "Rabbid Peach is within reach! Focus on getting to her now by moving to the tip of the Manta's tail."
  • "Rabbid Peach! You're safe! - despite the mysterious, malevolent energy sabotaging our weapons!"
  • "Neutralizing our weapons? Ha! We'll simply rely on our powerful Dash move that has saved the day for us during many a battle!"
  • "Using Dash, we can jar those egg-like things loose. Once they're in your possession..."
  • " can throw them at the creature's orb-shaped eyeball protuberances - its week spots!"
  • "Our weapons have been reactivated! Time to take cover, take aim and fire at those baddies!"
  • "GASP! This "Cursa" is well out of range, yet the energy readings I'm picking up from it are beyond by ability to measure!"
  • "We'll take all the help we can get! Mario, be sure to see what this new ability of yours can do. Speaking of abilities..."
  • "Hey! Hello! Remember me? The entity who created you? I'm alive too!"
  • "Hehe - forgive JEANIE here for her arrogance, everyone. As the ship's new Artificial Intelligence she just became self - aware yesterday..."
  • "OBVIOUSLY, I have a lot more testing to do, bust seeing as how we're in an emergency situation here, I-"
  • "JUST what I was about to suggest to our friend here. Hmm, what do we call your kind? Aha! How about, "Rabbid Lumas"?"
  • "Really? Because objectively speaking I think "Rabbid Lumas" is kind of perfect - no?"
  • "Please, JEANIE, adventure may be new to you, but not to US. I expect the level of difficulty of THIS mission to be..."
  • "Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind at any point during our mission."
  • "Regardless, with the Rabbid Lumas behind us, the rocky road ahead will be just a little smoother."
  • "WHATEVER. What matters is - we have their help. Listen, now that Cursa knows they're with us, I bet it will never bother us again!"
  • "Put that way! We're Heroes, not unruly tourists!"
  • "You know, we were following a different Spark earlier but...the more the merrier!"
  • "Look! Those appear to be Darkmess Portals. Destroy them, quickly! More enemies are bound to pop out soon."
  • "Great! "Rabbid Edge", welcome to-"
  • "Speaking of help, I believe it's time we start keeping THREE Heroes on our frontline. Who'll take the first shift?"
  • "Poor Spark! We WILL win your freedom! Though it may take a few attempts. That's quite a battlefield."
  • "A-ha. And since the Darkmess Dimension and our world are connected, the lighthouse on Beacon Beach will light up, too!"
  • "That sounds nice, but Darkmess Puddles are AT LEAST as dangerous as swimming, right? And you should never swim alone, right?"
  • "Princess - mind "tagging along"? Your skill at protecting teammates could be useful - not that you'll need it, Rabbid Mario!"
  • "AMAZING!"
  • "NO, NO! I MEANT THE-"


Sunrise Temple

Mural 1
  • "Apparently, Augie believes he is from a family of proud demi-gods. For such divine creatures murals must be like family photos."
  • "Unfortunately, this "regal" depiction of the birth of Augie and his twin, Perfectus, is marred by Augie's chronic dyspepsia."
Mural 2
  • "By age ten, Augie's brother was the patron deity of effortless victories, epic love poems, and glistening, six-pack abs."
Mural 3
  • "The only trophy Augie won as a child was for second place in a bratwurst eating contest."
Mural 4
  • "The ocean is said to have been formed by the tears of Perfectus' hairdressers, who wept with joy while brushing his golden mane."
Mural 5
  • "In wartime Augie was left behind to watch the livestock. It's how a flock of chickens came to briefly rule his city."
Mural 6
  • "Augie's first job was to help sailors in distress. This mural is called "Sentinel Of The Seas". Oh, boy."
Mural 7
  • "His whole life Augie was eclipsed by his older brother."
  • "Which, if we're honest, couldn't have been all that difficult."
Mural 8
  • "The last straw for Augie's parents was when Augie drove the family sun chariot into the neighbor's swimming pool during Perfectus' wedding feast."
Mural 9
  • "The villagers here on Beacon Beach REALLY need to do a few background checks before hiring wardens."
  • "Wait... Doesn't that trophy look familiar?"

Winter Palace

Mural 1
  • "Orion made a daring escape from Cursa, yet even at the risk of capture he made sure to pay his harbor fees beforehand."
Mural 2
  • "Here's the master navigator, err... holding his map upside down while trying to find a rest stop with a bathroom."
Mural 3
  • "Orion faced a Comet-Eater and lived, but ask to hear the story and all you get is grumbling about fuel costs and wholesale prices of celestial fish."
Mural 4
  • "Orion ran out of fuel and called his insurance company for "deep space gondola assistance". That stuff pays for itself!"
Mural 5
  • "Orion paid for fuel and a variety of extremely unhealthy snacks with loose change. The cashier ignored him."
Mural 6
  • "Orion was so destitute at one point that he used an old boot as bait in hopes a neutrino slime would fancy using it as a nest. GROSS!"
Mural 7
  • "Looks like a cross between an angry nebula shark and an extremely irritated blob lobster. I'll admit, I'm stumped."
Mural 8
  • "Orion obeys the celestial angler's code- give aid whenever needed. Though it looks like his first aid certification is a little rusty."
Mural 9
  • "Captain Orion struggles at map reading, having always considered them an "extravagant luxury" meant for the idle rich."
Mural 10
  • "Orion and his mystery co-pilot ran out of fuel AGAIN and were forced to crash-land here."
  • "That's what happens when you put only two coins worth of fuel into your ship at a time."


Mural 1
  • "The young Woodrow is reciting his first poem just before The Great Tree Blight of Palette Prime strikes."
  • "It took 500 leaf blowers to tidy up afterwards. Residents were fined a million coins due to the noise violations!"
Mural 2
  • "Woodrow's poem - The Strange and Conflicting Feelings Of The Crofter's Cheesemonger preceded an alien invasion!"
  • "The entire planet was forced to harvest thousands of pounds of pumpkin spice in exchange for their freedom. Horrible."
Mural 3
  • "After Woodrow read his next poem, a luxury space cruiser crashed into a satellite! Debris fell from the sky for quite a while."
  • "Rabbids would be having some picnic and then BAM! Down would come a crystal hot tub or gold badminton cabinet."
Mural 4
  • "Two tragedies occurred after Woodrow read aloud his Declaration Of Love Written Beneath Yonder Yew-Tree."
  • "ONE - the planet's moon fell to the surface of the planet. And TWO - his girlfriend confessed to kissing the captain of the soccer team."
Mural 5
  • "Each time Woodrow read a poem, tragedy would strike. Residents of Palette Prime naturally blamed him."
  • "They would forbid him to write poetry again, citing billions in property damage and "his use of clichéd metaphors.""
Mural 6
  • "Residents held a poetry slam contest to find a new poet laurate, as Woodrow's poems were always followed by tragedy."
  • "Woodrow entered the contest wearing a disguise to prove it wasn't his poetry that courted disaster, but bad luck... 1,142 cases of bad luck."
Mural 7
  • "Woodrow gave it his all with his poem I Am No Herald Of Ill. For once, nothing seemed to go wrong afterwards..."
  • "...until a[sic] "Intradimensional Doomstorm" measuring 9.5 on the "terror scale" arrived! I thought those were a myth!"
Mural 8
  • "Something large set loose from a storm above the planet. Woodrow couldn't get out of the way because he was wearing stilts!"
  • "By the way, I knew he wasn't naturally that tall. I thought he had lifts in his shoes."
Mural 9
  • "A steamship landed on Woodrow, squashing him flat as a pancake!"
  • "It happened after dinner - most passengers didn't even get a turn at the cheese trolley beforehand!"
Mural 10
  • "Woodrow was crushed by a falling cruise ship, then struck by lightning."
  • "After THAT a rain cloud became his permanent halo, forever influencing his outlook and ensuring he'd be a bummer at parties."

Everbloom Tree

Mural 1
  • "The warden here is BEA? It turns out she's THE Bea! The beloved singer who left it all behind to be an organic farmer!"
  • "She got her start playing "Roxxie" on "The Gashapon Gang", a show about a teen rock band who turned into giant gashapons to fight crime."
Mural 2
  • "Bea's first solo album was corporate-produced teen pop drivel. I mean, really, who listens to that rubbish?"
Mural 3
  • "Bea fired her manager and made an experimental album, done entirely underwater!"
  • "Critics dared to call it an "artistic temper tantrum appealing only to pseudo-intellectual snobs". Honestly - I love it!"
Mural 4
  • "Bea is a survivor! With her singing career over, she retired to Terra Flora and began a new life as an organic farmer."
  • "Thankfully, we have lots of great albums to remember Bea's beautiful voice... just not this one. Here she sounds like a rusty chainsaw."
Mural 5
  • "A whole new generation of fans was exposed to Bea when she became a celebrity host for the annual Galactovision song contest."
  • "Unfortunately, The Phantom was her co-host. The two constantly tried to outshine each other, eventually ruining their voices."
Mural 6
  • "Bea sang the Beacon Beach Brawler's entrance music LIVE for his Galaxy Wrestling Title bout at Galact-o-Mania."
  • "It was the first of many il-advised[sic] comeback attempts, although she did develop one heck of a sunset piledriver!"
Mural 7
  • "Bea made this album during her punk-pop phase after a whirlwind relationship with the Phantom. Silly celebrity nonsense, really."
  • "I can't believe he dumped her at the Galaxy Music Awards! By text! DURING her acceptance speech! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE HIM!"
Mural 8
  • "A wiser, more mature Bea grew into her own with this album, which critics called "soulful" and "masterfully crafted"."
  • "It sold only three hundred copies and effectively ended her career."

Barrendale Mesa

Mural 1
  • "Fascinating - this is the first of several murals that tell the story of Momma, famed mechanic, and the warden here."
  • "It all started when the wild and free Momma made a pit stop here for some beef jerky during a ten-planet, cross-galaxy road trip."
Mural 2
  • "Momma wasn't looking for trouble, but when she saw Rabbids being threatened by a mechanical monster, she came to their rescue!"
  • "The Rabbids here had actually invented the ruinous robot, along with other monstrosities that tore the planet apart!"
Mural 3
  • "Momma felt a kinship with the Rabbids here who were living life "wild and free", like a solar-powered car without brakes."
  • "Yet this freedom was costly - their recklessness reduced the once-bountiful planet into desert. Could they have it both ways?"
Mural 4
  • "Momma stuck around to show the Rabbids how to make their ingenuity work FOR them, versus against them."
  • "They were fascinated - the thought of NOT fleeing in terror for their own creations had somehow never occurred to them."
Mural 5
  • "Although born with "itchy feet for the open road", Momma fell in love with this place, and made to a decision."
  • "She used her entire life savings to open a garage and jerky hut, with the help from her new "thrill-seeking sidekicks"."
Mural 6
  • "It wasn't easy, but Momma taught the Rabbids here how to be responsible in mechanical engineering, robotics, and jerky-making."
  • "The Rabbids began to model themselves after her. It was then that they gave her the nickname "Momma". Sniff!"
Mural 7
  • "Momma began a new life here, but there was a problem - without a way to fuel her new power grid, they couldn't rebuild."
  • "There was only ONE alternative - the battery that was fueling the wild and wicked mechanical marauder, who was tearing up the planet just for kicks!"
Mural 8
  • "Momma had "civilized" the once savage Rabbids here, but now she needed them to go back to living like there was no tomorrow!"
  • "They pooled everything they owned, used every ounce of ill-advised ingenuity to build... MECHA MOMMA!"
Mural 9
  • "Momma and the Rabbids busted up the mechanical mischief-maker and used its power source to fuel their new power grid."
  • "Momma and the Rabbids then hit full throttle to transform Barrendale Mesa into a freedom-loving galaxy rider's paradise."
Mural 10
  • "The efforts to rebuild here were cut short by the arrival of the nastiest ne're-do-wells in the known galaxy - Cursa's army!"
  • "Knowing the other, more populated planets were likely also in danger, Momma knew they had to act! But how?"
Mural 11
  • "With Cursa's army tearing the Galaxy apart, it was the Rabbids who surprised Momma with a "far out" plan of their own."
  • "Having returned to their roots, but having learned something vaguely resembling responsibility, they hit the open Galaxy to help others!"
Mural 12
  • "Having so many Rabbids leave Barrendale Mesa to help fight against Cursa's minions meant rebuilding slowed to a trickle."
  • "But if Cursa thought it could stop the rebuild entirely, then it wasn't counting on Momma and her Rabbids!"


  • "WELL, wimps? A "thank you" would be nice! I did save your lives just now!"
  • "Roarrr! Looking for Cursa, same as you! It corrupted my army of weak-minded imbeciles and I want them back!"
  • "Bwahaha! That sounds about right! No wonder you're trying to trick me into leading your little wuss brigade!"
  • "BWAHAHA! Don't worry. I promise not to pound you into bits until AFTER I pummel Cursa and rule the galaxy again."


  • "I NEED the energy of those creatures! Bring them to ME!"


  • "Please, win this battle? You Heroes are my only way out of here."
  • "Deep Freezes will freeze you in your tracks with their Blizzard Burst Technique. When defeated. They'll set off a frozen explosion!"
  • "It's sort of a no-win situation. Anyhow, just get to the end of the battlefield, quickly!"



  • "Now, now, Edge. Best to keep a clear head - you need to play the LONG GAME here."
  • "Are you going to run away again in order to save your own skin - let me use "Momma" for target practice?"
  • "Or will you try to rescue her? You'll fail, of course, and your quest to stop Cursa will be over. The whole galaxy suffers, then."
  • "Though, you'd never stop Cursa, anyhow. I - at least - can promise to be much more merciful in victory."
  • "So... What will you choose?"


  • "Take this!" (When attacking)
  • "Go down, will ya?!" (After attacking)
  • "Tougher than I thought. (After attacking)
  • "Go on. Do it!" (When attacked)
  • "I'd think twice." (When attacked)
  • "Don't miss." (When attacked)
  • "Those will be mine soon!" (When attacked)
  • "How dare you!" (When hit by a hero's attack)
  • "Consider them lucky." (When defeating a hero)



  • "NOT a Spark Hunter. Name's Edge."
  • "JUST Edge."
  • "You gotta spaceship, huh? Guess you can ride sidecar with me - for a time. It's not like you can't use the help."
  • "Not a ghost. That's one a' Cursa's Spark Hunters."
  • "Beep-0, friend... The real storm's just begun."
  • "Let the girl go, Midnite. Ride with us. It's the smart play and you know it."
  • "Enough talk."
  • "That round fella a friend a' yours?"
  • "Spark Hunter. Name's Bedrock, and she's no friend of mine."
  • "How do you figure?"
  • "Even if there was - it'd be MY business. And trust ME - you all don't want MY business to be YOUR business - understand?"
  • "We don't need some swindler to tell us how to handle a Darkmess Puddle. I'll take point on this one."
  • "If that's right, the downright sneakiest, dirtiest, most devious of the Spark Hunters will be waiting for us down there."
  • "Whoever this Momma is, she better hope we find her first."
  • "I can't do that, Beep-0. Mario and I got it covered."
  • "Daphne's a crack shot from a distance. We bum-rush her and we're fish in a barrel."
  • "Cursa's got NO idea what I'm made of..."
  • "...but I'm gonna show it."
  • "It's true that Cursa brought me into this world."
  • "Not just a Spark Hunter... I was their LEADER."
  • "Cursa gave me an EDGE, with just enough free will to lead - to think."
  • "That edge let me see Cursa for what it is - a black hole of greed leading to a bottomless pit of misery."
  • "Bedrock, Midnite, Daphne - I tried to turn them to the light, instead they turned on me."
  • "So I hit the road - tried to save what Sparks I could 'fore they got their hands on 'em. That's the truth of it."
  • "I didn't say anything 'cause I figured you didn't have a reason to believe me."
  • "Thank you for that. All of you..."
  • "Now let's get to Cursa."
  • "I figure with Cursa gone, my "ol' pals" will find themselves a new profession."
  • "Guess I'll stick with these tenderfoots for now - see if I can't keep air in their lungs."


  • "On me." (When starting a battle)
  • "Show time!" (When starting a battle)
  • "Let's finish this!" (When starting a battle)
  • "Let's see here..." (When using an item)
  • "Keep 'em coming." (When using a Mushroom)
  • "Yeah..." (When targeting an enemy)
  • "Up you go." (When helping another Hero perform a Team Jump)
  • "Go!" (When performing a Team Jump with another hero)
  • "Come on!" (When performing a Team Jump with another hero)
  • "Move it!" (Dash)
  • "Gotcha!" (Dash)
  • "Go on!" (When attacked)
  • "Bring it!" (When attacked)
  • "All guard!" (When attacking an enemy)
  • "Take that!" (When attacking an enemy)
  • "Ha!" (When attacking an enemy)
  • "Hello?" (When destroying a cover)
  • "Ow." (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Is that it?" (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Pathetic." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "One down." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Just dead meat." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Too easy." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Can't hide!" (When defeating multiple enemies at once or destroying a cover)
  • "Anyone else?" (When defeating multiple enemies at once)
  • "Want more?" (When defeating multiple enemies at ones)
  • "Off you go." (When throwing an enemy or object)
  • "Come on." (When one of her attacks does no damage)
  • "Mmph!" (When one of her attacks does no damage)
  • "No good!" (When one of her attacks does no damage)
  • "Not now!" (When defeated)
  • "It's about time." (When leveling up)


  • "Er... No pressure, but if you win this battle I get to leave this horrible place with you. Otherwise, I'm stuck!"
  • "Watch for gusts of wind from those stone masks! Time your movements so you don't get blown away."
  • "Lucky for you, they CAN be destroyed! Now get out there - on three! Ready... BREAK!"


  • "Puddles used to be fun to play in, you know?"
  • "I'm Electrodash. Thanks for rescuing me!"
  • "Let me get my second wind and we'll get going!"


  • "Boy, I'm glad to see you! If you win this battle I can leave with you!"
  • "Oh, and try not to move in front of those Lone Wolves when they're using their Evil Sight power."
  • "If you do and you're in range, they'll shoot you immediately."


Main article: Memory
  • "The Megabug - an abomination created partly from the mutated DNA of Rabbids. It was thought to have been defeated..."
  • "...yet a fragment remained, floating aimlessly throughout the galaxy. Merged with, and powered by, stellar debris, it mutated once more."
  • "Slowly, it gained SENTIENCE. Desiring to grow, it fed upon the life energies of the galaxy, eventually transforming into CURSA."
  • "One fateful day, some Lumas were playing with some Rabbids who were passing by."
  • "Intrigued by the powerful energies emitted by the Lumas' joy, Cursa was drawn to the Comet Observatory."
  • "Cursa approached them while masking its presence. Even Rosalina could not sense its arrival until it was too late."
  • "At the last possible moment, Rosalina put herself between the Lumas and Cursa in order to protect them."
  • "The Rabbids and Lumas were saved, but something terrible happened. An enormous blast of energy. The Rabbids and Lumas were flung far away."
  • "...where they were merged together, creating a new, powerful species now known as Sparks."
  • "Rosalina had also merged... with Cursa! Cursa was in control, but felt Rosalina rebelling against the union."
  • "To crush Rosalina's will once and for all, Cursa needs to gather Sparks and absorb their energy."
  • "Then, it created an army made of corrupt Rabbids and mind-controlled minions of Bowser, along with the Spark Hunters to lead them."
  • "Yet, Rosalina does not fear Cursa. From the very start, Rosalina knew she could count on her friends. She knew she could count on... US."
  • "Cursa, having descended from the Megabug encountered in your previous adventure..."
  • "...has inherited its memories, from which it reconstructed this likeness of Bowser."
  • "Unknown. For Cursa to create a clone such as this it would need to inherit a DNA blueprint from the Megabug or..."
  • "...have created one itself."
  • "You were a Spark Hunter, weren't you?"
  • "You're part of our family now, and that means you don't need to keep secrets - not from us."



  • "Oh yeah! Can’t stop Weegee!" (Starting a battle)
  • '"Wheee!"
  • '"Here we gooo!"
  • "Let's-a go!"
  • "Oh, yeah!
  • "Alright!"
  • "Fly, Luigi!" (When performing a team jump)
  • "Aw...!" (When one of his attacks does no damage)
  • "Aw, no."' (When one of his attacks does no damage)
  • "Uh-oh...!" (When one of his attacks does no damage)
  • "Aw, what happened?" (When losing a battle)



  • "Let's-a go."
  • "Okey-dokey."
  • "Oh, yeah!"
  • "Wait!" (When attacked)

Message from the Team

  • This e-mail appears upon 100% completion of the game.
What a journey!

Travel humbles, for the galaxy is infinite, as does the number of people who make it hum, of which no two people are exactly alike. For this, we are all richer.

Wherever your journey through life leads you, we are humbled to have taken some small part of it with you.



  • "Edge... you're here. I knew you would show yourself. Eventually."
  • "Are these your new friends? Maybe I should warn them. After all, WE were friends once. Perhaps we still are?"
  • "Aw...But you just got here - and we're just getting to the fun part."
  • "Honest, I couldn't make the girl leave if I wanted to. See, real friends don't just up and ghost you, Edge..."
  • "...real friends stick around."


  • "Friends?" (When attacked)
  • "What?!" (When hit by a Hero's attack)
  • "Delicious!" (when hit by a Hero's attack)
  • "Enjoy the wind." (When attacking a Hero)
  • "Poor baby." (After attacking)
  • "I had to." (When defeating a Hero)
  • "Oops, sorry." (When defeating a Hero)


  • "YOU'RE okay?! What about muh balloon?!"
  • "Garage's closed! Next service station's ninety-six million light years down the road. Y'all have a nice day."
  • "YOU'RE gonna buffalo Cursa?! You ain't even got the sense not to skydive without a parachute!"
  • "Anyhow, I can't help ya even if I wanted to. Power's out at muh shop - storm's made muh Windmill all whack-a-daisy."
  • "Tell ya' what - get my Windmill workin' properly an' I'll see what I can do about your spaceship and them shields. No promises!"
  • ""Miscalculation", huh?"
  • "This is Big Momma callin' Balloon Bufoon - you got yer ears on? Over."
  • "To get to that Windmill yer gonna need to use that crane like it were a bridge..."
  • "...fer that yer gonna need to restore power to the crane's control panel."
  • "You'll find a' 'lectrical transformer on that there platform."
  • "All ya' gotta do is complete the circuit to turn the power on and yer in business. Over and out."



  • "Mario! Rabbid Peach! Beep-0! I'm SO relieved to see you!"
  • "The Rabbids are especially... exuberant today! Someone has "misplaced" Rabbid Mario's overalls."
  • "They're missing, and he's too embarrassed to come out from that bush he's hiding in!"


  • "Fight time!" (When starting a battle)
  • "Uh oh!" (When attacked)


  • "You gotta win this battle so I can leave with you. Else I'm stuck here!"


  • "Pardon me - just wondering if you've ever faced Sea Stooges before. Their Dash has a Splash Super Effect that'll bounce you, HARD."
  • "Afterwards, each time you're hit or dashed again before the turn is over, you'll bounce again! It's called being "splashed"."
  • "That's a lot of bouncing, I know, but if you win, I get to leave with you. How's that for motivation?"

Rabbid Luigi


  • "Oh you found your overalls, Rabbid Mario! I knew I should've hid them somewhere else!"
  • "Hi, little fella! Aren't you sparkly?! Did you come on board with Mario?"
  • "No one puts delicious desserts in danger while I'M around! I'LL deal with this, PERSONALLY!"
  • "Does this mean there's no cucumber water?"


  • "Let’s go!" (When starting a battle)
  • "Da-da-da da!’" (When starting a battle)
  • "Warriors of Mario! Da-da-da da!" (When starting a battle)
  • "Sproing!" (When helping another Hero perform a Team Jump)
  • "Whoosh!" (Dash)
  • "Hey!" (When attacked)
  • "Pain!" (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Ow!" (When hit by an enemy’s attack)
  • "No fair!" (When hit by an enemy’s attack)
  • "I see ya!" (When targeting an enemy)
  • "See ya!" (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Do-over." (When one of his attacks does no damage)
  • "Funky footwork make ya faint!" (When preparing to use Exhaust)
  • "What’d I do?" (When defeated)
  • "Cheaters!" (When losing a battle)
  • "Untouchable!" (Upon winning a battle)
  • "Taco Tuesday!" (Upon winning a battle)

Rabbid Mario


  • "TA-DAAAA! Back in business!"
  • "Ah, yes! You want to be just like Rabbid Mario! But only ONE of us can look THIS good in casual alternatives to pants!"
  • "It stinks!"
  • "Hey, mamma mia!"
  • "Everyone, take a break! Soak up some sun! Rabbid Mario will take it from here! I INSIST!"
  • "We could ask you the same about that stone-faced but oddly attractive woman."
  • "Not true! It chafed my skin!"
  • "I'll go with you. After all, we make one heck of a team. Eh? Eh?"


  • "This...(sniff) is the greatest moment of-a my life." (When receiving a reward)
  • "To the sky!" (When entering a cannon)
  • "Over it!" (When climbing a ladder)


  • "Ding ding ding!" (When attacking)
  • "One, two, four!" (When attacking)
  • "Take it easy!" (When attacked)
  • "Oh, you're on my list!" (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "That-a hurt." (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Oi!" (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Ow, momma!" (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Juju!" (Dash)
  • "MVP! MVP!" (When defeating an enemy)
  • "I'm-a so strong!" (When picking up an object)
  • "There ya go!" (When helping another Hero perform a Team Jump)
  • "Now you fly!" (When helping another Hero perform a Team Jump)
  • "Awww, goose egg." (When one of his attacks does no damage)
  • "Thank you, momma!" (When using a Mushroom)
  • "Never a doubt." (Upon winning a battle)

Rabbid Peach


  • "AND?"
  • "The lightning here is trash. How about I handle this while you guys do whatever it is people do in a library?"


  • "Love it!" (When receiving a reward)
  • "I guess that'll do." (When receiving a reward)


When starting a battle
  • "Time to handle business!"
  • "Livestreaming!"
  • "Anyone have a charger?"
  • "Girlboss time!"
During a battle
  • "Don't...!" (When attacked)
  • "#HealingJourney" (When using character techniques)
  • "Healing vibes, literally." (When using character techniques)
  • "Seriously?!" (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Okay, that's it!" (When hit by an enemy's attack)
  • "Hold still, will ya?!" (When attacking an enemy)
  • "Toodles!" (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Beat it." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "It's been real!" (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Ughhh, satisfying." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Okay." (When helping another Hero perform a Team Jump)
  • "Hey!" (When helping another Hero perform a Team Jump)
  • "Thanks!" (When performing a Team Jump)
  • "It's me!" (Upon landing after a Team Jump)
  • "Serving looks!" (Upon landing after a Team Jump)
  • "Excuse me?!" (When one of her attacks does no damage)
  • "This isn't happening!" (When losing a battle)
  • "No comments." (When losing a battle)
Upon winning a battle
  • "Over already?"
  • "#Winning"
  • "Nailed it!"
  • "Thank you. Next!"
  • "I'm all about personal growth." (When leveling up)

Rabbid Rosalina


  • "Sigh... Sorry for wandering off, Orion."
  • "Ugh... Seriously? I don't have time! I need to find a way to get to Rosalina."
  • "I mean, yeah, that's cool, whatever. I'm down."
  • "Captain Orion? Thank you... for everything. I promise to make you proud."
  • "Aye Aye, Captain."
  • "This library is a gateway to learning that should be a SAFE place for everyone! Except Darkmess Tentacles, of course."
  • "Hmpf. Guess I have to come with you, now."


  • "Ugh... I was going to read." (When starting a battle)
  • "Can't we decide this after a nap?" (When starting a battle)
  • "Let's dance." (When starting a battle)
  • "We will rise above!" (When starting a battle)
  • "Yeet." (When attacking)
  • "Hurr de durr!" (When attacking)
  • "Ow." (When dropping down)
  • "Ugh, my ankles!" (When dropping down)
  • "Poof." (When defeating one of Bowser's minions)
  • "Yeet!" (When defeating one of Bowser's minions)
  • "Sick." (When defeating one of Bowser's minions)
  • "Creep." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Weirdo." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Ugh... Finally." (When defeating an enemy)
  • "Wow." (When defeating multiple enemies at once)
  • "Great Horn Spoon!" (When defeating multiple enemies at once)
  • "*grunt* Seriously?!" (When one of her attacks does no damage)
  • "Nap time!" (When using Ennui)
  • "Okay, that is good!" (When using a Mushroom)
  • "Please work!" (When using a Mushroom)
  • "Ugh... Great Horn Spoon..." (When losing a battle)
  • "Can I go home now?" (When losing a battle)


  • "Olly olly oxen free!" (Exploration)
  • "The penguins aren't super happy I stopped playing hide n' seek without telling. I got voted out as captain."
  • "Think I could go with you, adventure buddies? We don't HAVE to give each other pirate names, that's just for fun."


  • "Mario... You and your friends saved the galaxy, and in doing so, saved me as well."
  • "Thank you. Thank you all."
  • "Dearest Beep-0, energy such as that which gives life to the Sparks cannot be destroyed, only altered..."
  • "The Sparks thank you for putting yourself in harm's way to save me... as do I."
  • "I went looking for my family once - the same way you search for those with whom YOU belong."
  • "You are welcome to remain with me and the Sparks for as long as you would like - even forever."
  • "And as for you, Steward of Sparks?"
  • "Farewell, Mario. Your kindness, courage, and loyalty are the foundation of many a friendship - including ours."
  • "And Bowser! Aren't you happy to learn any problem can be solved when we work together?"


  • "Let me help you out! For [#] coins I'll heal your entire team!"

Field quotes

Beacon Beach
  • "BIG flash sale going on!"
  • "Bring the family next time!"
  • "The customer is king!" (Sunrise Temple)
Pristine Peaks
  • "Secret VIP flash sale! Hurry!"
  • "The deals are sizzling hot!"
  • "Everything MUST go!"
  • "It's our annual Price Expo!"
Palette Prime
  • "New stuff to buy! Come!"
  • "Happy to see you again!"
Terra Flora
  • "Shop with a smile!"
  • "Free gift wrapping!"
Barrendale Mesa
  • "Wallets too heavy? I can help!"
  • "Generous refund policy!"
  • "Watch for falling prices!"
Cursa's Stronghold
  • "Here for emergency last-minute supply!"
  • "Emergency shopping spree?"

Beacon Beach

  • "Do my audio-visual capacitors deceive me? Or do I see some discerning customers with an eye for quality here?"
  • "My usual customers - they have what I call "value blindness". For them I put out factory returns, overstock items..."
  • "STILL they do nothing but haggle over price and badger me over reward points!"
  • "ME, with six little Peddlerbots at home! I can't afford to buy them all shoes, so they have to share, but do I complain? No!"
  • "I continue to offer AMAZING deals - such as first-time Beacon Beach customers get TWO free Super Mushrooms!"
  • "My loss is your gain, but after this if you want a full team heal *anytime you'll need to pay. *Er... anytime except combat."

Pristine Peaks

  • "It may be cold on Pristine Peaks, but the savings are HOT - because when the thermostat drops, so do my prices!"
  • "Say, you look like shoppers of refined discernment, not like the usual bumpkins I get in here."
  • "If value were a reticulated python they wouldn't recognize it if it swallowed them whole. Ha!"
  • "And when you factor in the cost of supply chain distribution in THIS environment - it's like you're picking my pocket!"
  • "It's almost like you're sticking me up! Help! Ha! Seriously though - don't think about it."
  • "You've got lots of coins, right?"

Palette Prime

  • "I know what you're thinking- is that pumpkin spice hot apple cider? Or a bargain you're smelling?"
  • "Look, I'm not going to give you the usual schtick - I save that for the rubes."
  • "You? You recognize superior value when you see it - it's practically written on your faces!"
  • "For you, I have my top of the line merchandise - I don't even bring this stuff out for most customers."
  • "Also, everything here is covered by my no-refund, no-exchange, no-fault policy. So shop without fear... that I'll be inconvenienced."

Terra Flora

  • "Psst! You're not from the Galactic Robot Regulatory Commission, are you?"
  • "There's a rumor going around that because my prices are SO low, I must be..."
  • "...INSANE!!"
  • "But just because I buy in VOLUME, then pass the savings on to you at great expense to my personal well-being..."
  • " no reason to question my operational capabilities!"
  • "Of course, it's not easy to get inventory out here - hence the SMALL markup. SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE!"
  • "I'm not crazy."

Barrendale Mesa

  • "YEE HAW! It's a savings stampede!"
  • "You might ask - "Peddlerbot, can't we expect a HUGE markup on top-quality merchandise..."
  • "...especially at such a REMOTE yet convenient, clean, and modern location with plenty of parking?""
  • "First - how dare you?! Second - I am ALWAYS on the customer's side!"
  • "So whether you have good credit, bad credit, or NO CREDIT - rest assured it's all the same with me!"
  • "Because I don't actually take credit. Too many deadbeats."

Cursa's Stronghold

  • "Ha! "Don't expand too fast", my investors said! "Never open a location on floating debris", they said!"
  • ""Fortune favors the brave," I told them! Not that I would EVER gouge a customer, mind you."
  • "But if you can find lower prices on top-grade products within a cannon shot of Cursa's stronghold - BUY THEM."
  • "Speaking of - any direct engagement with Cursa voids the warranties on these puppies. I'll let you browse."


  • "PLEASE, you've got to win this battle! I can't leave here with you unless you do!"
  • "Psst! If you destroy the Eyes of Darkness on the pyre, it'll light on fire!"