Head Waiter

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Head Waiter is a duel mini-game found in Mario Party 5.


Players take turns tossing a bomb in the likeness of Bowser's head back and forth amongst themselves. The timer on the bomb starts at nine; players may count down either one or two numbers in an effort to avoid being the one to decrease the counter to zero. The player who does so causes the bomb to explode in his/her character's hands, which results their opponent to cover his/her ears while the bomb explodes. Then the announcer will call "Finish!" to end the game and their opponent will be declared the winner. If he/she doesn't dock a number within five seconds, then it will give out the same result as mentioned above. There is a Fourth Wall for this mini-game, which can be explained later on.

Once the timer reaches below five, the numbers displayed change to question marks, making it impossible to tell whether the player's opponent has docked one or two numbers off the time and when the timer hits x... BOOM! The mini-game ends.

Fourth Wall

If the Bowser Head explodes on the character that holds it, then he/she will fly to the game screen, then it will tilt when they got there.


A – Lower number by one
B – Lower number by two
Template:Mario Party 5