Who's online: SuperLuigiDude, ViableBunnyBudd, Jxxrxxmy, Nintendo101, FanOfYoshi, AglWdly, Mario jc, Luigi1234, TheNKMaster18, Pseudo, Bro, DingoHazel, Starluxe, TomZhao, MasterKnightDH, Wyatt Anderson, DryKirby64, Sdman213, NormanBates2021, Dinohattan, LostCause1118, PrincessDaisyFanatic3883, DrBaskerville, PrincessLover7777

Current Task - Still, still working on rewriting several pages, many not even related to this still-handy link. Status - Intermittently active, returning after Yet Another Hiatus. Talk Rules - Just mind the wiki rules, don't clutter the page, and keep it below the line. If you post a comment on my talk page, check back there, because that's where I may reply more often than not.