Mr Bones Evil Talk Archive Castle

Hi and welcome to my talk page.I'll be happy if you leave a message!


Mr Bones' Evil Rules
  • No cussing, swearing, flamming, spamming...
  • Don't insult me or insult another user.
  • Sign all your comments.
  • Don't insult Mario characters(if you say Wario's fat, it is okay cause' it's true, but if you say he's stupid or insult him with swearing words, THAT IS NOT OKAY!.
  • Have fun!
  • No more than 6 comments in one section.
  • Don't remove other users or my comments.
  • Try to write correctly.


We sometimes do, but we also use other computers too. Like, right now, I'm supposed to be normally using my desktop, but I'm using my sister's laptop. I also sometimes work under her name, but that's only when she asks me to.

 Ray Trace(T|C)

It's okay, you didn't bother me or disrupt me. And WHOO-HOO! First headline!

 Ray Trace(T|C)


I don't know what's going on but hi. Mechayoshi (talk)

What statements? I don't have the game but this  

image makes it look like the planet isn't Earth.  Boo der dash  

Hmmm, seem again like one of those discontinuity things, but I'll add that quote to the Mona page so we can have a reference is that ok?   Boo der dash  

Well, I put it on Diamond Academy, but where can you see the quote is?   Boo der dash  

I put the quote in Diamond Academy. I GTG though, write whatever you want on my talk page but please don't expect me to give you a message in at least 2 hours. See you.   Boo der dash  


No, that doesn't count as sockpuppeting because she is you sister. Sockpuppeting is when one individual person creates more than one account. Fawfulfury65

Hello, fellow bretherin

I'm a Dry Bones, too. I still work for Dry Bowser. Why'd you quit? Anyway, want to be friends? The undead minions could use you again. Beecanoe (talk)

Awww, come ON! That means I technically am TWO ranks down. Dry Bowser seems pretty agitated you quit and is working for you. I can't quit, cause, he'll seek me out, rip me into a pile of bones and feed them to his Chain Chomp.

A good thing about being my friend? You get to be a part of User Kart! Check it out on my userpage.

Beecanoe (talk)

WA-CHA-CHA, WAH-RIO!!(xInfinity)

Every time Wario shows his face in Brawl, that happens. .\_/. Anyway, I saw Recent Changes. Does this mean all Touched! microgames have an image, or are there some left?   This Is War   10:23, 3 September 2010 (UTC)

That's an awesome comic so far! Once again, Lower-Case Y. That needs correcting. Oh, and when you do get to my sprites, I'm the Army Spiked Hammer Bro, not a Yoshi, and Doomship 2 is an airship.   This Is War   14:52, 3 September 2010 (UTC)