Image usage

If a section uses only in-game sprites as representative images, then none of them should be changed to artwork. On another note, any artwork or sprite used for a section should be for that specific game.   Nightwicked Bowser   17:49, April 9, 2023 (EDT)

Mario Bros. (Super Mario Bros. 3)

One or more pages that you have recently created have been deleted or marked as a stub article (Mario Bros. (Super Mario Bros. 3)). Please consider the following ideas and suggestions when expanding/creating an article:
  • Before saving a new page, be sure that you have put as much effort and information in the article as you can.
  • Make sure that the page follows all of the rules that are outlined in the Manual of Style.
  • Perhaps upload a few images that can be used on the article.
Please don't take this notice as a dejection; this is just an informative notice and we encourage you to keep contributing.

Please don't create a new article that includes little more than just an image. There should be at least substantial information on the topic from the start.   Mario JC 20:15, November 9, 2023 (EST)

Settled proposals

Please do not vote on proposals that have already ended, look at the deadline date first before doing so. Responding to years-old talk page discussions is also discouraged.   Nightwicked Bowser   14:11, December 10, 2023 (EST)


Can someone help me with this DIABOLIC ARTICLE? I can't just put the last appearance as Super Mario Kun's 28th issue. Perfection, 21/12/2023 (UTC)