A standard Piranha Plant

Notable Piranha Plants

Sub Species

  • Frost Piranha: Piranha Plants that live in frigid regions.
  • Jumping Piranha Plant: The head of a Piranha Plant that jumps out of a pipe, they sometimes shoot fire balls. Related: Jumping Pumpkin Plant
  • Pakkun Flower: Piranha Plants with a differnt name in Super Mario Land
  • Pale Piranha: Colorless Piranha Plants. The weakest of the Piranha Plants.
  • Piranhacus Giganticus: Huge Piranha Plants
  • Ptooie: A Piranha Plant that juggles a spiked ball with its mouth.
  • Putrid Piranha: Poisonous Piranha Plants.
  • Venus Fire Trap: Fire ball spitting Piranha Plants
  • Wild Ptooie Piranha: Green Piranha Plants that will either eat you or spit out Needlenose's

Paper Mario Stats and Tattle Information

Frost Piranha

HP: 10, Attack: 4, Defense: 0

This is a Frost Piranha. Frost Piranhas are frozen Piranha Plants. They'll try to freeze you with their icy breath. You'll be at their mercy if they freeze you, so you'd better try to immobilize them right away. Ice attacks won't work--they love ice! Fire attacks, though...

Lava Piranha, the Lava Buds and the Petit Piranhas

Lava Piranha

Max HP: 80 (has 40 HP per round), Attack Power: 5 (Round 1: normal), 7 (Round 2: on fire), Defense: 0

Tattle: Lava Piranhas are plants that can somehow survive in lava.
Regular: They blow out huge balls of fire to attack. That is one big flower! Wow!
On Fire: Since their bodies are on fire, you'll take damage if you stomp on 'em. Don't worry of you're fire proof. They'll try to burn you with their fire breath. They're creatures born of fire, so water attacks will work extremely well against them.

Lava Buds

Max HP: 16 (have 8 HP per round), Attack Power: 4 (regular only), Defense: 0

Tattle: Lava Buds are little flower branching out from the main stem of the Lava Piranha. They love it in the lava. Hey, if you were a fiery plant you'd love it in there, too.
Regular: They blow small seeds or other projectiles to attack, the small Lava Buds attack power is 4.
On Fire: They blow put Petit Piranhas. The Lava Bud's stems themselves won't attack you.

Petit Piranhas

Max HP: 1, Attack: 6, Defense: 0

Tattle: Petit Piranhas spew from Lava Buds. These things can do some serious damage, so watch it!

Regular Piranha Plant

HP: 5, Attack: 3, Defense: 0

This is a Piranha Plant. Piranha Plants pop out of the ground at unexpected moments, so be on your guard. You've seen 'em in every one of your adventures, so I imagine you know 'em pretty well. Their sharp jaws point upward, so you'll get bitten if you try to jump on 'em. They smile after biting people. That smug makes me hopping mad!

Putrid Piranha

HP: 12, Attack: 3, Defense: 0

This is a Putrid Piranha. Putrid Piranhas sometimes bite, but the truly scary thing is their nasty, poisonous breath. The power of their bad breath is 2, but your HP will begin to fall if you get poisoned. You should try to recover as quickly as possible if you get poisoned.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Stats and Tattle Information

Frost Piranha

  • Stats: HP: 10, Attack: 5, Defense: 0
  • Tattle: That's a Frost Piranha. It's a cool customer with strong ice powers. Max HP is 10, Attack is 5 and Defense is 0. Its biting attack sometimes freezes us, so try to immobilize it first. It's weak against fire attacks, too, so use them as well.
  • Tattle Number: 58
  • Tattle Log: A Piranha Plant with ice powers that's weak against fire. Its biting attack sometimes freezes you.

Regular Piranha Plant

  • Stats: HP: 15, Attack: 9, Defense: 0
  • Tattle: That's a Piranha Plant. In fact, I think this is the strongest type of them all. Max HP is 15, Attack is 9 and Defense is 0. Its Attack power is absurdly high... It may look like a normal Piranha Plant, but don't be fooled! It's super-tough! If we get beaten by a flower, we'll never hear the end of it, know what I mean?
  • Tattle Number: 59
  • Tattle Log: The strongest of the Piranha Plants. It likes to live... in pipes.

Pale Piranha

  • Stats: HP: 4, Attack: 2, Defense: 0
  • Tattle: That's a Pale Piranha. You know about these guys. The famous Piranha Plants. This colorless subspecies is adapted to Boggly Woods. Ah, the wonders of nature! If you try to jump on them, they'll totally chomp on you.
  • Tattle Number: 56
  • Tattle Log: A monochrome Piranha Plant that attacks with a nasty bite. If you see one, throw all you've got at it, or run.

Putrid Piranha

  • Stats: HP: 8, Attack: 3, Defense: 0
  • Tattle:That's a Putrid Piranha. It's a poisonous Piranha Plant. That color is totally sickly... Max HP is 8, Attack is 3, and Defense is 0. It bites, AND it attacks with super-rank poison breath. Breath mint, table four! If you get poisoned, your HP will slowly go down, so, y'know, try not to.
  • Tattle Number: 57
  • Tattle Log: A poisonous Piranha Plant. It'll poison your allies. Use your guard effectively to avoid poisoning.