It is advised that any part of this user's own work is not copied and used on any other page.



Placement on articles

The following points may be used as a summary as to which categories an article should use. Please refer to the subsequent sections of the policy for further reading.

  • All game articles should receive Category:Games, as well as any applicable subcatgories under the asterisk (*) within that category, such as a game's system and genre.
  • When placing a game category (such as Category:Super Paper Mario) on the actual game article, use an asterisk.
  • When game categories are split into subject-specific categories (such as Category:Super Paper Mario Characters), relevant articles should then receive this specific category instead of the game category.
    • If an article describing an in-game subject does not fit into a more specific subject category, then it should use the overall game category.
    • If a subject-specific category can be split further (for example: "Super Paper Mario Characters" extends to the Super Paper Mario Bosses subcategory), use only the most specific category.

Articles should only use these categories when a more specific one cannot be applied instead:

These types of pages should include the indicated category:


4. Asterisks within an overall game category are also used for pages which aren't strictly writing on a specific in-game subject, but rather used as a point of reference for that game. This includes any specific game pages seen within the subcategories at Category:Lists, as well as any game galleries.

Rainbow Tap-Tap

Spike creature