
Hello, unless you knew already but forgot at points, remember to italicise any game titles you name yourself, since a few of your edits were missing them.   Mario JC 06:29, August 7, 2021 (EDT)

I just recently learned about them when editing some articles, so I sometimes forget to add them. I'll remember adding them next time. WildWario (talk) 06:35, August 7, 2021 (EDT)

New stub articles

One or more pages that you have recently created have been deleted or marked as a stub article (Balmy Dunes). Please consider the following ideas and suggestions when expanding/creating an article:
  • Before saving a new page, be sure that you have put as much effort and information in the article as you can.
  • Make sure that the page follows all of the rules that are outlined in the Manual of Style.
  • Perhaps upload a few images that can be used on the article.
Please don't take this notice as a dejection; this is just an informative notice and we encourage you to keep contributing.

Two more things:

  • Please don't create a new stub article and mark it with {{construction}}, either to finish it yourself later or for others to finish it for you. New articles should start with sufficient information off the bat.
  • Remember to add navigation templates and categories at the bottom of the article; they're the text that looks like this:
{{Mario Golf Course List}}
[[Category:Mario Golf: Super Rush Courses]]
(If you're not sure which templates and categories to include, look at other, similar articles.)

  Mario JC 06:56, August 9, 2021 (EDT)