False Character

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Not to be confused with Evil Clone.

A Dark Being is an Enemy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It is an evil double copied from a fallen character's trophy. Dark Beings are formed when Shadow Bugs "consume" a fallen character's trophy.

Notable Dark Beings

False Bowser

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Bowser next to his evil double; False Bowser

False Bowser is the Dark Being version of Bowser that first appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary. False Bowser makes his first appearence without warning at The Lake almost seemingly at random. After Fox and Diddy defeat him he dissolves. He is seen several more times throughout the game.

False Zelda

False Zelda is a Dark Being version of Zelda in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Story Mode. It tries to zap Link, and Yoshi with a Dark Cannon but the cannon gets broken by Pit. Later Mario KOs it, but angers Link causing the only four player battle in story mode.

False Peach

False Peach is a Dark Being version of Princess Peach it only appears in story mode of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. After the Shadow Bugs cover Peach's trophy, they turn Peach into False Peach, if the player saves Peach in the beginign of the game when fighting Petey Piranha. While Mario and Pit are running, False Peach attempts on shooting them however right before she is able to, Link destroys the Dark Cannon. False Peach angrily looks at Link and his partner Yoshi and they fight. Link and Yoshi win the battle, and after that, the False Peach trophy turns back into the normal Peach trophy. Mario saw this however and thinking Link is the enemy because he attacked Peach, Mario tries to attack Link. Link quickly moves out of the way. Peach's trophy is later taken away by King Dedede.

Later on in the story, Peach and Zelda's trophies are taken aboard the Halberd locked up in cages. When Snake, Meta Knight and Lucario enter the room where their trophies are, Shadow Bugs come in and turn both Peach and Zelda into False Peach and False Zelda. The three battle and soon the two False Princesses are turned back.

False Diddy

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False Diddy in his giant form

False Diddy is a Dark Being version of Diddy Kong in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Story Mode. When Fox and Diddy were walking by The Swamp they were ambushed by Bowser and Diddy was shot by Bowser with the Dark Cannon turning Diddy into a trophy. Bowser then orders Shadow Bugs to "consume" Diddy's trophy once this happened False Diddy was made. Falco then flies down in an arwing. Falco swoops out of the airwing and destroys the Dark Cannon. Bowser leaves and the group looks back at the False Diddy who they find out is gathering more Shadow Bugs. False Diddy then grows to an enormous size. Fox touches Diddy's trophy thus bringing him back to life and the three defeat False Diddy, once defeated False Diddy's trophy desinigrates into the original Shadow Bugs.

False Samus

Two False Samuses

False Samus is a Dark Being version of Samus who appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary. They are fought by Samus and Pikachu.

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