Stormship Stadium

Revision as of 21:49, February 21, 2009 by Son of Suns (talk | contribs)
File:La armada.PNG
Panorama of the field.

Stormship Stadium is an unlockable stadium in Mario Strikers Charged Football. It is unlocked by beating the Strikers Cup, and in the process, beating Petey Piranha as well. This unlocks both the stadium and Petey. Stormship Stadium is a very tricky stadium. The field will constantly tilt, making it more or less difficult to score a goal. This all depends whether the tilt is going against the player, or with them. The second, and more dangerous feature in this stadium, is the electricity. Occasionally, a huge bolt of lighting will strike the field, sending shockwaves throughout the tiny cracks in the ground. If a player walks into the electricity, they will be shocked, just like the Electric Fence.