User:Lemmy Koopa Fan

Welcome to my user page! I'm fairly new to the wiki so I don't know to add images yet but I'll learn...hopefully. I'm obviously a huge Lemmy Koopa fan and he owns a land which is called Lemmy's Land which is a reason why a reason why I like him.

List of favourite characters (10 best 1 worst)

1. Waluigi, I definetly prefer him over Luigi.

2.Goomba, Everyones favorite little brown mushroom.

3.Mario, the red plumber.

4.Iggy Koopa, Lemmy's twin brother.

5.Larry Koopa, I have no idea why he's on the list.

6.Dry Bones, Bowser's best minion (to me anyway)

7.Koopinator, "How dare you disturb me in my meditation!"

8.Doopliss, the funny yet dumb king of Duplighosts

9.Bowser, If it weren't for him Lemmy wouldn't exist. Plus he looks cool.

10.LEMMY KOOPA!!!!!!!, the greatest Koopa ever by far!

How I Became a Lemmy fan

When I was over at my friends house he was on World 7, Ice Land in Super Mario Bros. 3 and was fighting Lemmy and that ball and mohawk and indian scars looked cool to me so I became a fan of him and then I discovered the website Lemmy's Land and then I became an even bigger fan of him and he is my favourite character in the Mario series.

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