Vine With Me is a duel mini-game found in Mario Party 3.


All the vines swing back and forth as the mini-game starts. Players have to get to the end of the level by swinging with vines as fast as possible. If the player didn't grab one of the vines, the player will be stunned at a momment causing the player to go back to the vine the player was grabbing earlier. The first player to reach the end wins.


A button - Drop from vine.


  • Vine With Me's name comes from the phrase "Fine with me". (perhaps more commonly said as "Fine by me").
  • While Vine With Me doesn't appear to have a time limit, it actually does have one. After two and a half minutes, a countdown appears, starting with 30 seconds. If the countdown reaches zero and no one reaches the end the mini-game ends in a Draw.

Template:Mario Party 3