
Hello, ArdaOnayOzcan2009! Thanks for your contributions. When writing titles for media like games, films, TV shows, and publications, please remember to italicize them. This is done by placing two straight apostrophes (not quotation marks or curly apostrophes) on both sides of the title, or clicking on the I icon above the text box and typing out the title. For example, typing out ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' generates Super Mario Bros.

If you are using a device that uses curly ("smart") punctuation, you may need to disable this function in your device's settings to be able to type out the correct apostrophes.

Also, when mentioning the remake of a game, if the title is exactly the same it's much more preferable to pipe link it into the word "remake" rather than having the same title typed out twice.   Nightwicked Bowser   10:57, November 7, 2023 (EST)

This doesn't apply if it is pipe-linked as I said, only if it's the actual game title that's displayed.   Nightwicked Bowser   13:30, November 7, 2023 (EST)

Again, don't italicise if it's not the title. If it's just a term to describe the game like "remake" or "Nintendo 3DS remake", it shouldn't be italicised, but if it's the actual game title itself, it should.   Mario JC 07:20, November 10, 2023 (EST)