List of Mario Party 3 quotes: Difference between revisions

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*''"But that's not fair!"''
*''"But that's not fair!"''
*''"Please make me the greatest Superstar in the universe!"''
*''"Please make me the greatest Superstar in the universe!"''
*''"Don't trouble me if you have no coins! Shoo! Shoo!"'' (Not enough coins)

==[[Koopa Kid|Baby Bowser]]==
==[[Koopa Kid|Baby Bowser]]==
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**''"What'll it be?" (list of items)'' (Yes)
**''"What'll it be?" (list of items)'' (Yes)
**''"What are you talking about? If you're not a serious customer, then beat it!"'' (No)
**''"What are you talking about? If you're not a serious customer, then beat it!"'' (No)
*''"Don't trouble me if you have no coins! Shoo! Shoo!"'' (Not enough coins)

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===Main Menu===
===Main Menu===
*''"Use the Control Stick to choose your destination, then press {{button|n64|A}}!"''
*''"I am the {{color|Millennium Star|yellow}}. Play the map you like best!"''
*''"I am the {{color|Millennium Star|yellow}}. Play the map you like best!"''
*''"This Star Lift goes to {{color|(board)|green}}!"''
*''"This Star Lift goes to {{color|(board)|green}}!"''
*''"If you want to know about {{color|Star Levels|yellow}}, select me!"''
*''"If you want to know about {{color|Star Levels|yellow}}, select me!"''
*''"This Star Lift goes to the {{color|Duel Map|green}}!"''
*''"This Star Lift goes to the {{color|Duel Map|green}}!"''
*''"This Star Lift goes to {{color|Mini-Game Room|green}}!"''
*''"You can't enter the Mini-Game Room from Story Mode!"''
*''"You can't enter the Mini-Game Room from Story Mode!"''
*''"Want to hear {{color|Battle Royal Map|green}} rules?"''
*''"Want to hear the {{color|Battle Royal Map|green}} rules?"''
*''"Do you want to hear the {{color|Duel Map|green}} rules?"''
*''"All right! Let's go!"''
*''"All right! Let's go!"''

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===[[Item Shop (Mario Party series)|Toad's Trading Post]]===
===[[Item Shop (Mario Party series)|Toad's Trading Post]]===
*''"Welcome to Toad's Trading Post! You're here to buy an item, right?"''
*''"Welcome to Toad's Trading Post! You're here to buy an item, right?"''
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*''"That's it. That's the end of the Battle Royal Map explanation. OK, everyone,  do your best to become the Superstar! Bye for now!"''
*''"That's it. That's the end of the Battle Royal Map explanation. OK, everyone,  do your best to become the Superstar! Bye for now!"''

===Duel Map===
====Tutorial Board====
*''"Next stop is the {{color|Duel Rule Map|green}}."''
*''"But first, I'll explain the {{color|Duel Map|green}} rules."''
*''"Listen closely and remember what I say."''
*''"OK! Now on with the explanation!"''
*''"Welcome to the Rules Map!"''
*''"I'm going to explain all the Duel Map rules in detail, so listen carefully!"''
*''"The Duel Maps are for two-player competitions."''
*''"Your objective is to knock your opponent's {{color|stamina|cyan}} down to zero..."''
*''"You'll use your {{color|partners|cyan}} to chip away at your opponent's stamina."''
*''"...Did you get that? OK! Now I'm going to explain the rules as we follow the flow of the game."''
*''"Of course, the first thing you'll do is determine turn order."''
*''"The Millennium Star will spin round and round..."''
*''"And when he stops, turn order is decided by the result--heads or tails."''
*''"If he stops on heads, Mario goes {{color|first|cyan}}."''
*''"If he stops on tails, Luigi goes {{color|first|cyan}}."''
*''"OK! Let the spinning begin!"''
*''"It's heads, so moving {{color|first (in the blue corner)|cyan}} is Mario!"''
*''"And moving {{color|second (in the red corner)|red}} is Luigi!"''
*''"OK! Now I'll explain how you'll work together with your partner."''
*''"Your partner actually attack your opponent for you... and they guard you from attack. They are all very helpful."''
*''"Each partner has his or her own {{color|attack|cyan}}, {{color|stamina|cyan}} and {{color|salary|cyan}} ratings."''
*''"The {{color|attack|cyan}} rating shows how much damage the partner does to your opponent."''
*''"If your partner's attack is two, your opponent's {{color|stamina|cyan}} will fall two points when attacked."''
*''"When your partner's {{color|stamina|cyan}} reaches zero, your partner vanishes."''
*''"A partner's {{color|salary|cyan}} is the number of coins you must pay that partner each turn."''
*''"You must pay {{color|salaries|cyan}} at the beginning of each turn, so if you don't have enough coins... your partners will leave you. You'd better pay attention to how much you have."''
*''"And each character starts the game with a diffirent partner, so plan your strategy in advance and then decide which character you'll use."''
*''"Next, choose where your partner will walk:" (front or rear)''
*''"After choosing all game settings, each player will get 10 coins!"''
*''"That's all there is to say about partners, so let's move on to an explanation of the boards."''
*''"First I'll explain the diffirent spaces."''
*''"This is a Basic Space. If you stop on a Basic Space, you can turn it into your own space."''
*''"A picture of your character's face will show up on each of your spaces."''
*''"If you stop on one of your opponent's spaces, your opponent will steal your coins."''
*''"But you receive coins when you stop on your own space."''
*''"The number of coins obtained or stolen on Basic Spaces depends on the turn."''
*''"On turns 1-5, 3 coins will be stolen. On turns 6-10, 5 coins will be stolen. On turns 11-15, 8 coins will be stolen. After turn 15, 10 coins will be stolen."''
*''"This is a Mini-Game Space. When you stop on a Mini-Game Space, a one-on-one Duel Mini-Game will begin."''
*''"If you win the Mini-Game, you get 10 coins, so be sure to give it your all!"''
*''"This is a Game Guy Space. A Game Guy Mini-Game will begin when you land here."''
*''"You have to risk all of your coins when you play a Game Guy Mini-Game."''
*''"If you win, you win a lot, but if you lose, you'll lose all the coins you have."''
*''"This is a Power Up Space. When you land here, you can double the attack of one or both of your partners."''
*''"It's a perfect chance to take the lead, but salary doubles, too, so use it wisely."''
*''"This is a Back Space. If you land here, a Dice Block appears..."''
*''"When you hit it, you'll move that many spaces backward!"''
*''"This is a Happening Space. Some kind of event will occur when you land on one of these spaces."''
*''"Depending on the event, you may able to take control of the game!"''
*''"Next I'll tell you about the characters you'll meet as you move around the board."''
*''"This is Belltop! You'll meet him on each of the diffirent board maps."''
*''"When you pass Belltop, the number on the bell on his head will count down."''
*''"And when that number reaches zero... ...the other player will be called to Belltop's space, and as a bonus, the two of you will compete in a Mini-Game for more coins than usual."''
*''"Making the most of Belltop's games is one of the key strategic points to winning on the Duel Maps."''
*''"When you make one lap around the board, a special event will occur."''
*''"First, the Millennium Star will present 10 coins to you."''
*''"Then you'll get to choose another partner."''
*''"When you do, you have to decide whether to put that character in the front or in the rear."''
*''"One time out of every three, you'll get to try the Lucky Roulette."''
*''"The Lucky Roulette spins more slowly, making it easier to get partner you want."''
*''"If you place the same partner both in the front and rear, something special might happen."''
*''"There's definitely a benefit. You should give it a try!"''
*''"So that's what happens when you complete one lap."''
*''"Now let me explain how to attack your opponent."''
*''"If you have a partner with you when you pass or land on the same space as your opponents, the battle will begin."''
*''"For example, let's say Mario passes Luigi. In this case... the Goomba in front of Mario will attack the Toad standing behind Luigi."''
*''"The Goomba's attack power is two, but Toad's stamina is only one, so Toad will be defeated."''
*''"But it doesn't end there! The Goomba's remaining attack power of one... goes directly to Luigi."''
*''"But there might be times when your partner's attack fails."''
*''"Of course, if the attack does fail, your opponent won't take any damage."''
*''"And if you bump into your opponent while moving backward, like this... then the partner in the rear will attack."''
*''"And if you're attacked when you don't have any partners... then your character will be attacked directly."''
*''"And if neither you nor your opponents have any partners who are able to attack... then there won't be a battle at all."''
*''"All right, I think that's enough of an explanation of the battles."''
*''"Now I'll tell you a little bit more about each of the partners."''
*''"Of course, this guy is first! Koopa Troopa! His ratings are... Attack 1, Stamina 2, Salary 1."''
*''"His attack aren't very powerful, but he has decent stamina. He's best used for defense."''
*''"Next, I'll tell you about Goomba and his blindingly fast attacks! I think you'll like him."''
*''"He uses a far-reaching kick. His ratings are... Attack 2, Stamina 1, Salary 2."''
*''"He has a pretty good attack, so he's a good partner to place in front."''
*''"OK, now I'll introduce you to the champion of childishness... Toad!"''
*''"Check this out: If he's with you, your opponent can't steal coins when you land on his space."''
*''"Toad's ratings are... Attack 1, Stamina 1, Salary 1."''
*''"I guess his ratings are kind of childish, too. Huh, huh."''
*''"And now, the one you've been waiting for...Bob-omb!"''
*''"Bob-omb jump over your opponent's partners for a direct attack!"''
*''"Bob-omb ratings are... Attack 1, Stamina 1, Salary 3."''
*''"Unfortunately, once he blows his top, he's all done. I guess that's kind of a weakness."''
*''"Now it's time to introduce you to someone with true offensive and defensive spirit... Boo!"''
*''"When Boo get attacked, that damage get send right back to the attacker."''
*''"Boo's ratings are... Attack 2, Stamina 1, Salary 3."''
*''"Attack! Defend! Your strategy will determine whether you stick Boo in the front or rear."''
*''"Now it's time to tell you about the king of defense... Whomp!"''
*''"He is built from the very essence of power. Whomp's ratings are... Attack 0, Stamina 4, Salary 3."''
*''"His attack rating of zero is a definite minus, so be sure he's in the defensive position."''
*''"Next I'll introduce the biggest set of jaws on the blocks, Chomp!"''
*''"The ratings for the mighty Chomp are... Attack 1, Stamina 2, Salary 6."''
*''"His mighty jaws can take a bite of every member of your opponent's team!"''
*''"Now get ready to meat the so-called partner pulverizer... Thwomp!"''
*''"He can take out any partner with a single blow! Here's how his ratings stack up... Attack 0, Stamina 2, Salary 4."''
*''"His mighty pound is amazing! Unfortunately, he won't lay a hand on your opponent. So..."'"
*''"We now move on to the hurler of hefty snowballs... Mr. Bizzard."''
*''"He lobs his snowballs at the farthest character. Let's take a look at Mr. Bizzard ratings... Attack 1, Stamina 3, Salary 2."''
*''"With so much stamina, he's a good defensive player, but his long bombs can also be a plus."''
*''"OK, who's next? That's right! This guy's performance is really hit or miss... Baby Bowser!"''
*''"There's a two-in-five chance that he'll transform into Bowser himself! Here's what Baby Bowser can do... Attack 1, Stamina 1, Salary 3."''
*''"When he turns into Bowser, he does three times as much damage!"''
*''"But if he fails to transform, he can't attack at all. I guess it all comes down to luck."''
*''"Next in line is the masked dynamo... Snifit!"''
*''"Sometimes he manages to pull from two to four coins out of nowhere to start the turn... Attack 2, Stamina 2, Salary 5."''
*''"He's a well-balanced player, so you can stick him whenever you live and he'll do just fine."''
*''"But he does get a pretty high salary."''
*''"And finally... The greatest offensive power of the bunch...Piranha Plant!"''
*''"If you have a Piranha Plant at your side when you finish moving, he may able to find a Dice Block that lets you move up to three extra spaces! His ratings are... Attack 3, Stamina 1, Salary 5."''
*''"If you're going to say anything about him, it has to be that he's the fiercest of the bunch!"''
*''"But with a stamina of only one, make sure that you don't put him in the rear by mistake."''
*''"Well, that's all there is to say about all of your potential partners."''
*''"Finally, I have a little advice for each of you!"''
*''"Regardless of who your partner is, you have to pay up."''
*''"So rather than just going for the toughness partners, choose those you think you can afford."''
*''"If you just add a couple of high-priced muscle men, they'll be gone before you know it."''
*''"And with that, I think I'll finish up my explanation of the Duel Map."''
*''"Play as often as you can and try to develop your own strategy for winning..."''
*''"I can't wait to see who will be the greatest of all! I'll see you later!"''
*''"Nicely done, everyone. And here are the results!"''
*''"Nicely done, everyone. And here are the results!"''
*''"First, let's look at the number of [[Star (Mario Party series)|stars collected]]."''
*''"First, let's look at the number of [[Star (Mario Party series)|stars collected]]."''