List of Super Mario Sunshine quotes: Difference between revisions

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*''"Super Mario Sunshine! Wahoo!"
*''"Super Mario Sunshine! Wahoo!"
*''"Looks like a giant pool of paint...!"'' *
*''"Looks like a giant empty plate..."'' *
*''"Oh no, we're going to be late for dinner!"'' *
*''"Looks like Mario's gonna have to find a job."'' *
*''"Looks like Mario's gonna have to find a job."'' *
*''"The horror."'' (after losing a life)
*''"The horror."'' (after losing a life)
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*''"Here we go!"''
*''"Here we go!"''
===Gelato Beach===
====Dune Bud Sand Castle Secret====
*''"Now, this here is what we call a Dune Bud. Dune Buds are odd plants that appear only on this beach. If you water them, strange things will happen."''
*''"Isle Delfino is often referred to as a slice of paradise on earth. And Gelato Beach? Why, it's it most sun-kissed shore! All of the local Piantas and Nokis just love to have festivals here!"''
*''"What's that? A festival? All right! Let's get down!"''
*''"Those large-billed Cataquacks tend to be very territorial. So, when they spot an outsider such as yourself, they go wild! They'll run up and hurl you into the air, but they mean no harm."''
*''"Watch out for the red Cataquacks! Seriously! They can hurt you. They only appeared on this beach recently."''
====Mirror Madness! Tilt, Slam, Bam!====
*''"I'll have you know the if you use the Dune Buds wisely... can reach heights you never would normally. You know, like the tops of huts and places like that..."''
*''"We need to get those mirrors back into position! Now!"''
*''"I'm so worried about the egg! Aaaaaaaa!"''
*''"OK, here's what we need to do to save the egg: We need to get that big green caterpillar thing off the tower. To do that, we need to move the mirrors back into position. So, we need to get rid of those Plungelos that are up there! Then the heat from the mirrors will make the caterpillar move! Whew! What a plan!"''
*''"This guy is all talk! He never tries to do anything himself!"''
====Wiggler Ahoy! Full Steam Ahead!====
*''"I'll protect the Dune Bud! You'll see! Urrngghh! Unnh!"''
*''"Don't step on the Dune Buds!"''
*''"Waaaah! Don't come this way!"''
*''"N-N-Now, calm down there, M-M-Mister Caterpillar! We c-c-can talk this over nice and slow... Yaaaaoooowwww!"''
*''"Eeeeeek! We'll be crushed!"''
====The Sand Bird is Born====
*''"That big caterpillar is finally gone. Whew! Now, I can get back to tending my Dune Buds in peace!"''
*''"I wonder if you can see it from here... ? There's a coral reef out there that is quite pretty!"''
*''"This guy's a Noki, but he can't swim very well at all! Har!"''
*''"You know, I was a pretty wild child back in my day. Even so, I find myself yelling at the kids to QUIET DOWN!!!"''
*''"Sliding down the patch of odd-colored sand there is tons of fun. But I think sitting here and enjoying the view is nice, too."''
====Il Piantissimo's Sand Sprint====
*''"These competitions seem like a waste of energy if you ask me."''
*''"This guy finishes every race dead last!"''
*''"Il Piantissimo has been turning up all over lately!"''
*''"This is a kind of festival, isn't it? Yeah! Get down!"''
*''"Ooh yeah! Ooh yeah! Sometimes, I just gotta dance! Sorry!"''
*''"Boy, you sure do have a lot of energy! Admirable!"''
====Red Coins in the Coral Reef====
*''"I don't think we have any festivals like that!"''
*''"Hey, mom! Is the coral reef having a festival?"''
*''"Don't tell me you're bored. Just give out water now and again."''
*''"The coral reef is nice to view from here... and it's safe, too!"''
*''"I told you what a bad swimmer this guy was, right? Ha ha ha ha!"''
====It's Shadow Mario! After Him!====
*''"Please don't step on the Dune Buds in your big rush, Mister Man!"''
*''"The Watermelon Festival's almost here! I can't wait!"''
*''"Mommmm! When's the Watermelon Festival gonna start?"''
*''"Very soon, the Watermelon Festival will begin! Watermelons are best when eaten outside on the beach, you know! Because then when you get a seed, you can just spit it out! Phhttthhoowweee! I love that!"''
*''"When watermelons are the topic, this guy's a whole new person!"''
====The Watermelon Festival====
*''"Yaaay! YAAAAY! Watermelon Festival! Get down! Get down!"''
*''"I won't be joining in the contest this year. Nope. Sorry."''
*''"He doesn't want to join in because he hates to lose!"''
*''"I think I have the biggest watermelon right now... But what'll I do if somebody brings a bigger one?! Oh no!"''
*''"I wanted to get some juice smoothies for this kids, but now..."''
===Pinna Park===
====Mecha-Bowser Appears!====
*''"The entrance to Pinna Park is just straight over that way! You can't miss it!"''
*''"Welcome to Pinna Park!"''
*''"Please be careful of the Electro-Koopas around the park..."''
*''"This is the Yoshi-Go-Round! Know about Yoshis? They used to roam this island freely, but now, they've gone..."''
*''"Look at that! Only the orange Yoshi on the ride disappeared! What does it mean, mister? Huh? Huh?"''
*''"Yoshis can turn anything into platforms! Isn't that cool?"''
*''"Yoshis are born from eggs. Yes! Eggs just like these!"''
====The Beach Cannon's Secret====
*''"Tarnation! Tell them to stop that noise!"''
====Red Coins of the Pirate Ships====
*''"The Pirate Ship is currently our most popular ride. Why not give it a try?"''
*''"Every three swings, the ship makes a full rotation. Be careful!"''
====The Wilted Sunflowers====
*''"I didn't think Yoshis were bad creatures, that's for sure..."''
*''"I brought this baby to view the sunflowers, but this looks unsafe!"''
====The Runaway Ferris Wheel====
*''"The entrance to Pinna Park is... Aww, you know it, don't you!"''
*''"The sunflower was able to keep the child safe and sound! Now, the child will surely grow up to be big and healthy!"''
*''"Whoooaaaaaa! The wheel's out of control! It's just spinning madly!"''
*''"Hm?! If the Ferris Wheel is spinning that much, then..."''
====The Yoshi-Go-Round's Secret====
*''"Whuh-whuh-WAAAA! Someone's found a Yoshi Egg! A real one!"''
*''"A Yoshi egg?! Now that you mention it, I did see an egg!"''
*''"Um, I didn't see any eggs, but..."''
====Shadow Mario in the Park====
*''"My oh my oh my! Didn't I just see you?"''
*''"Huh? Who was that weird guy?"''
*''"Ohhh? Who was that weird guy?"''
*''"Wheee! Wheee!"''
*''"Running around here can be dangerous, you know!"''
====Roller Coaster Balloons====
*''"And now, we would like to re-open the Roller Coaster!"''
*''"I wanna ride the Roller Coaster, too!"''
*''"You know, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all..."''
*''"Boy, I haven't ridden one of these in quite a few years..."''
*''"Welcome to the Grand Re-opening of the Roller Coaster! We've got a balloon- popping water rocket game going on! Wanna try?"''
*''"Please come again!"''
*''"If you can hit all of the balloons with water rockets before the Roller Coaster makes three loops, you win!"''
*''"You did it!!"''

==[[Noki elder]]==
==[[Noki elder]]==
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*''"If you look closely, you'll see two kinds of palm trees. You can climb to the top of the ones without spiky leaves."''
*''"If you look closely, you'll see two kinds of palm trees. You can climb to the top of the ones without spiky leaves."''
*''"I've been observing the egg for years, but this is a first! I hope the sacred egg can escape this danger unscathed."''
*''"I've been observing the egg for years, but this is a first! I hope the sacred egg can escape this danger unscathed."''
====Wiggler Ahoy! Full Steam Ahead!====
*''"I think you get rid of that bug by stomping on its belly. Not that I have any idea how to flip that brute over..."''
*''"I wonder if the proprietress and her son are OK..."''
*''"Haven't we met somewhere before? So familiar... Anyway, go give that caterpillar what for! Gaah ha ha ha!"''
*''"That caterpillar sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed!"''
*''"I'm so disappointed that that thing is here today. Seriously... I don't get down here to Gelato Beach all that often, you know!"''
*''"It's going to hatch any day! What's going to hatch, you ask?! Why, the egg of the legendary Sand Bird, of course!"''
*''"Beach access is pretty much shot thanks to that big bug. On the other hand, I've sure got a lot of customers."''
*''"Well, no walkies today! Shoot."''
====The Sand Bird is Born====
*''"Hey! Guess what! The Sand Bird... It finally hatched! Don't bother looking for it, though. It flew off right away."''
*''"I wanna try that throwing thing sometime, too!"''
*''"It... It... It hatched! The legendary Sand Bird is born! It broke the tower and flew away! That was unexpected..."''
*''"Sliding down the patch of odd-colored sand there is tons of fun. But I think sitting here and enjoying the view is nice, too."''
*''"This kid keeps talking about jumping into that hole down there. It isn't just unsafe; it's impossible! Huh? YOU can do it?"''
*''"I wanna slide down and dive onto that platform down there. I think I might be able to bounce from there right into that hole!"''
====Il Piantissimo's Sand Sprint====
*''"Once we work up a sweat, let's jump in the ocean!"''
*''"The goal is...thataway!!"''
*''"Il Piantissimo is so...very uncool!"''
*''"Huh? You saying that any path's OK as long as you find the goal?"''
*''"Being healthy is what matters most! Gwah ha ha haaa!"''
*''"The legendary Sand Bird is gone... If only it could have stayed with us for a little while..."''
*''"I could've made some money if I had opened a stand here..."''
*''"A special juice that will help you beat Il Piantissimo? I'm sorry, we don't know how to make those..."''
====Red Coins in the Coral Reef====
*''"Ummmm, mister? You know where the coral reef is, right? There's something sparkling out there... I'm sure of it. That look in your eyes! I've seen it before! Go get 'em!"''
*''"Hey, Ma, can I go play on the coral reef?"''
*''"NO! NO! It's pretty to look at, but that place is dangerous!"''
*''"I heard that someone found red coins in the coral reef... But there are fish out there that'll drag you to the sea floor!"''
*''"The coral reef? Yeah, it's that rocky spot out in the water. Yeah, to the left of the shop! That's it!"''
*''"Hmmm, maybe I'll just buy a small bird..."''
====It's Shadow Mario! After Him!====
*''"Hey! You! Stop threatening me! What? That wasn't you?"''
*''"Hey, mister! How'd you split in two?!"''
*''"Sure seeing a lot of you today!"''
*''"Time to get ready for the festival!"''
*''"This little guy's just too small. I want to buy a bigger bird..."''
====The Watermelon Festival====
*''"The Watermelon Festival is now OOOOOOOOOOOPEN! Why must I stand here? I'd rather be drinking a smoothie!"''
*''"Hey, mister! Aren't'cha gonna be in the watermelon contest?"''
*''"The guy next to me forced a coin on me, and then... Well, he made me switch watermelons with him. Yeah! Mine was so much bigger than his! What a meanie!"''
*''"So, how about it? Mine's the biggest, right? I mean, right? This thing is in the bag, man! In the bag! Wah ha ha har!"''
*''"The owner of this shop is obsessed with watermelons!"''
*''"Have you looked up in the hills yet?"''
*''"People who eat watermelon with salt sprinkled on it... ...are not allowed in this contest. No. Strictly forbidden. Why? I don't know why, that's just a rule we've always had..."''
*''"I wanna take the biggest watermelon and make smoothies! Really good ones! And give them to the Shine Sprites! In appreciation for all they do for us! You know?"''
*''"Oh, no, no, NO! That's too small. Tiny, really. I guess I'll have to choose one of those three over there..."''
*''"Hmmmmmmm... Well, that's not bad. But not great, either. It's not bigger than any of those three over there..."''
*''"Whoa! Now, that's a big ol' watermelon like I've never seen!! I don't even need to get out the caliper for this one! You win!"''
===Pinna Park===
====Mecha-Bowser Appears!====
*''"If you're looking for the amusement park, it isn't this way... The gate is over on the other side of the beach!"''
*''"Whee! Ha! There's a Roller Coaster and a Pirate Ship and WOW!"''
*''"Whuzzah?! Who was that guy just now?"''
*''"Huh? Did something run by just now?"''
*''"Whuh? Did you just see something?"''
*''"Who in the...? Who was that guy?"''

===Sirena Beach===
===Sirena Beach===
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*''"Now now, [[Toad (species)|boys]]! Don't touch that stuff!"''
*''"Now now, [[Toad (species)|boys]]! Don't touch that stuff!"''
*''"It's outrageous we weren't informed of this prior to our arrival! Who's in charge?"'' *
*''"How odd! What could have happened to the airstrip?"'' *
*''"I imagine you'll be spending a fair amount of time at the princess's side."'' *
*''"Are you starting a new career?"'' *
*''"Are you starting a new career?"'' *
*''"I am most concerned with the well-being of the princess in this dreadful heat."''
*''"I am most concerned with the well-being of the princess in this dreadful heat."''
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==[[Toad (species)|Toads]]==
==[[Toad (species)|Toads]]==
*''"What's this icky, paint-like goop?"''
*''"What's this icky, paint-like goop?"''
*''"It's moving!"''
*''"Ick, Mario! It's all... goopy."''
*''"Ick, Mario! It's all... goopy."''
*''"We came all this way, and now look! Everything's spoiled!"''
*''"We came all this way, and now look! Everything's spoiled!"''
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