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{{level infobox
|title=Toxic Tower
|image=[[File:Toxic Tower.png]]
|code=6 - 6 (DKC2)<br>5 - 6 (DKL2)
|code=6 - 6
|difficulty=Very Hard
|world=[[K. Rool's Keep]]
|game=''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]'', ''[[Donkey Kong Land 2]]''
|game=''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]''
|notes=This level features a poisonous liquid that can damage the heroes with one touch.
|track=Krook's March
|before=[[Chain Link Chamber|<<]]
|before=[[Chain Link Chamber (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)|<<]]
|after=[[Screech's Sprint|>>]]
|after=[[Stronghold Showdown|>>]]
'''Toxic Tower''' is the thirty-third level of ''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]'' and ''[[Donkey Kong Land 2]]''. It is the sixth area of [[K. Rool's Keep]].
'''Toxic Tower''' is the thirty-third level of ''[[Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]'' and the sixth and final level of [[K. Rool's Keep]]. It features rising [[toxic waste]] (similar to the rising water in [[Slime Climb (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest)|Slime Climb]]) that [[Diddy Kong|Diddy]] and [[Dixie Kong]] must avoid by quickly climbing up the level, as an [[Animal Friend]]. The [[Kong]]s are required to transform into one of three Animal Friends via their [[Animal Barrel]] to progress, with each Animal Friend having the ability to surpass certain obstacles or reach higher areas that the Kongs are unable to by themselves. The Rattly Barrel is found at the beginning of the stage, and [[Rattly]]'s jumping abilities are required to reach higher platforms as he bounces away from the toxic waste. Some Zingers have to be jumped on to reach higher platforms or cross gaps. The Squawks Barrel appears right before the [[Star Barrel]], and [[Squawks]] can go up through the narrow pathways and avoid Zingers along the way. The Squitter Barrel is located shortly before the level end, and as [[Squitter]], he must pass the last brief segment before the level exit, or even access a [[Bonus Area]].
[[File:Toxic Tower DKC2 GBA.png|thumb|left|Toxic Tower in the Game Boy Advance version]]
At the beginning of the level, the Kongs find themselves on a flat piece of ground with a [[DK Barrel]] above them. Some ledges are ahead with a pair of Klampons marching down them. As the heroes climb the ledges, a toxic, green liquid begins to rise, and it does not stop rising until the end of the level. At the top of the ledges, the Kongs can find an [[Animal Barrel]] containing Rattly; if they enter this barrel, they are transformed into the Animal Friend, who must use his jumping abilities to progress on a nearby ledge. Three platforms float to the left of this ledge that the rattlesnake can travel along to pass over the green liquid. A few Kaboings bounce down the platforms, which are followed by a large ledge that Rattly must climb to find another platform above him. A pit followes this platform, but he can cross it by bouncing off of a pair of Zingers that float in it. Once he crosses the pit, he lands on a solid ledge with another Zinger ahead of it. An additional ledge is located across this ledge on the leftmost side of the room, and it holds three [[Banana Bunch]]es. Rattly can optionally jump to this ledge or continue over a pit with the previously-mentioned Zinger to access an area full of small platforms and the [[KONG Letters|letter K]].

This castle level is the final test before the Kongs finally reach the top of K. Rool's Keep, and it's far from easy. Throughout the level, poisonous slime will rise up through the dungeon, and it can damage the Kongs easily if they aren't fast enough at climbing. Luckily, they are not alone, as [[Rattly the Rattlesnake]], [[Squawks the Parrot]], and [[Squitter the Spider]] can be found in three areas of the level to make their way up the dangerous stage. Each one is vital to beat the level, and have obstacles that only a certain [[Animal Buddy]] can cross. Even with the slime rushing up, [[Klampon]]s, [[Kaboing]]s, [[Kannon]]s and [[Zinger]]s will wait all around the the tower to end the Kongs' adventure for good.
Once Rattly reaches the highest platform in the rightmost part of this area, he can find some Zingers to his left that he must bounce on to cross a pit and reach a solid ledge positioned under several thin platforms. After reaching the platforms, he must travel along them to discover a Zinger above a small gap that he can jump through to find a hidden area with the level's [[DK Coin|Video Game Hero Coin]]. If Rattly continues past the Zinger, he can find some more thin platforms above him that he can jump to in order to progress. As he heads along the platforms, a nearby Kannon shoots barrels at him. The Kannon blocks a small alcove at the end of the area that holds a DK Barrel. If Rattly jumps to the ledge above the barrel, he can find a small platform above him. Three Zingers fly from left to right over a pit to the right of this platform, and Rattly must bounce on them to safely cross the pit and land on a solid ledge to the right of them.

==Level Layout==
If he jumps onto another piece of ground above here, he can find a Zinger guarding a small passage above him. On the other side of the passage, he can find a group of six [[banana]]s to his right and another passage being guarded by a Zinger to his left. After jumping through the passage and heading east, the rattlesnake can discover a ledge above him that he can jump to in order to find a raised piece of ground with some Zingers around it. There are two sets of these Zingers; one set is to the left of the raised ground, and the other is to the right of it. A [[Banana Coin]] sits in the left corner of this area near the raised piece of ground. In order to progress, Rattly must bounce on the Zingers above the raised ground. If he bounces along the Zingers to the right of the platform, he comes up to the letter O, but if he bounces on the Zingers to the left, he finds nothing. After jumping off of the Zingers to reach a higher platform, Rattly approaches a [[Blast Barrel]] that can blast him into an Animal Barrel that contains Squawks. When he lands in the barrel, he is transformed into the parrot, who can head north to find the level's [[Star Barrel]].
===''Donkey Kong Country 2===
From the start of the level, the Kongs must climb up a few ledges while defeating a few Klampons. Soon, they will enter an [[Animal Barrel]], and turn into Rattly the Rattlesnake. The slime will begin to rise here, so Rattly must quickly hop up all the platforms to the left of him, and also beat the Kaboings in his way. After jumping to all the platforms here, the snake will have to hop up to the next floor and bounce off of a few Zingers to cross a wide abyss. He must bounce off of another Zinger after that and leap up several platforms scattered around the area. Once at the top of the platform in the top-right corner, Rattly will need to bounce off some more Zingers, then jump up to some thin platforms and hop across them. Again, he'll have to jump to a higher floor and bounce over a few thin platforms. Here, he should bounce off of a Kannon to make it to the next floor. At this point, the Animal Buddy will have to super jump to the area above him and hop off of more Zingers to cross another abyss. When on the other side, Rattly must jump up a few short floors while watching out for Zingers, and then bounce off of more Zingers in another area to reach a high platform. Once up here, the snake should jump up into the air and land right into another Animal Barrel. It will turn him into Squawks, who must fly upwards and break the [[Star Barrel]].

At this point of the level, Squawks must continue up the path and defeat all the Zingers in his way. He will also have to beat some Kaboings on his journey upwards, and still even avoid the rising slime. Near the end of Squawks's part of the level, he will have to defeat many Zingers in his way to get through small openings. He'll then have to continue upwards and dodge a few more Zingers, until he finally makes it to the third Animal Barrel. It will turn him into Squitter the Spider, who must build his web platforms and get up to the top-left corner of the area. Here, Squitter will have to enter a barrel and be shot strait up to the No Animal Sign. This will turn him back into the Kongs, who must travel a little farther to find the [[End of Level Target]]. It will take them out of the level.
An alcove holding four bananas is located to the left of the barrel, as well as a curvy pathway that is infested with Zingers. As Squawks travels past the many Zingers, he comes past a few alcoves that contain some bananas. After the second of these banana-filled alcoves is passed, the parrot comes up to a Zinger with a DK Barrel immediately after it. Another Zinger ahead of here blocks Squawks's path, but he can defeat it with his nut projectiles. Once the bird travels up this path, can finds a passage to the left that is full of alcoves with Kaboings in them. An additional alcove is in the top of the passage with some bananas in it. After Squawks makes his way through this area, he finds a path to the north that contains a Zinger. If he continues from here, he reaches a yellow Zinger in an alcove and a red Zinger that moves from left to right. He cannot defeat the red Zinger, so he must instead maneuver around it as it moves back and forth. After passing the foe, he approaches a wide area full of yellow and red Zingers that move in a circle around the area. Two alcoves are on the sides of the room, and the alcove to the right contains the letter N. If Squawks heads north from the circle of Zingers, he heads up a narrow passage with a alcove containing some bananas.

===''Donkey Kong Land 2===
[[File:Toxic Tower DKC2 shot 2.png|thumb|Squawks attacks a group of Zingers blocking his path.]]
At the beginning of the level, the heroes will need to climb across some chains and climb upwards on another one shortly after. The slime will start rising here, so they must act fast. Quickly, the Kongs will have to hop into the Animal Barrel, turning them into Squitter. Squitter must then create web platforms to make it up to the top-right corner of the area. He must continue up, dodging the slime, until he makes it to the first [[No Animal Sign]]. It will turn him back into the Kongs, who must jump up a few ledges to get in another Animal Barrel. It will turn them into Rattly the Rattlesnake. Rattly will need to bounce up a few more ledges and cross a few gaps while hopping eastward. Soon, on the next floor, he'll meet up will the level's first Zinger and have to bounce off of him, along with a second wasp, to reach a higher ledge. From there, the Animal Buddy must use his special ability to jump extra high and get to the next floor. Here, he will have to bounce over more abysses going east and then jump to the floor above. In this floor, there are many platforms. Rattly has to jump up to the top platforms and climb up to the top-left corner of the area.  at this point, the snake will need to climb up some ledges and enter another platform-filled area. Using the banana trails, forming arrows, he must super jump his way up this floor, until he gets to another No Animal Sign. It will turn him back into the monkeys, who need to climb up a chain to access the next floor, and find the [[Star Barrel]].
At the top of the path, the parrot can discover a long, wide room with two gaps that are guarded by Zingers at the top of it. After Squawks makes his way on the other side of the gaps, he can find another room with a gap at the top of it, followed by another with two gaps at the top of it. Each gap is guarded by a red or yellow Zinger. After passing through one of the gaps in the third room, Squawks approaches a narrow passage that is guarded by another red Zinger. Once he passes the foe, he comes through a winding passage. On his way through, a Zinger stands in his way, which he can defeat with his nut-shooting power. After passing this foe, he comes over a small alcove with some bananas in it and a continuing part of the pathway that is soon blocked off by an additional two Zingers. Once he passes the wasps, he flies over a second alcove full of bananas. To the north of the alcove, he can find a small passage that is blocked off by three Zingers that he can shoot nuts at to defeat. On the other side of the Zingers, he can find another alcove full of bananas and a pathway taking him up to an area full of Zingers that move in and out of several smaller alcoves. The last of the alcoves, which is bigger than all the others, contains the letter G.  

At this point, the heroes must climb up some more chains and watch out for Klingers sliding down them. Once they make it to the next area, they have to defeat a few Kaboings and enter an Animal Barrel. It will turn them into Squawks. The bird must make his way through the path and follow the banana trails for extra help. As he goes, he'll also have to defeat several Zingers lurking around the area. Soon, the Animal Buddy will have to avoid two Krooks throwing their hooks at them, and make his way up to a fork-in-the-road. He can go either east or west, although both sides follow the same obstacles. Once he chooses a direction and makes it back to the single-road, he must continue upwards and beat all the enemies in his path. As the bird progresses, more and more Zingers will stand in his way, and the level will become a bit trickier. Eventually, however, Squawks should encounter the final No Animal Sign of the level, and pass it to transform back into the Kongs. After that, the monkeys must climb up to the top floor using several chains. There are Klingers on these chains, so they need to be careful. Once at the highest point, the heroes should travel west and find a spring. They can use it to exit the level.
If Squawks heads north from here, he comes up an Animal Barrel containing Squitter. The barrel blocks his path into the next room, so he cannot access the room without first entering the Animal Barrel, which turns him into Squitter upon being entered. In order to avoid the rising liquid, Squitter must build his web platforms to climb the tall room. As he climbs, he comes up to a pair of Zingers, one of which that guards a banana and the way into a [[Bonus Level]], and another that holds a [[photograph]] in the [[Game Boy Advance]] version of the game. Once Squitter accesses the top-left part of the room, he can discover a ledge that supports a Blast Barrel, which is able to blast him to another Blast Barrel. This barrel then shoots him into a [[No Animal Sign]], which turns him back into Diddy and Dixie Kong and makes a [[Red Balloon|Life Balloon]] appear when passed. If the two friends travel ahead of here, they can find a climbable chain hanging over an alcove that contains some bananas. A solid piece of ground with an [[End of Level Target]] sitting on it is located on the right side of the chain. Its prizes are either a banana, [[Banana Bunch]], or a Banana Coin

===''Donkey Kong Country 2===
The following enemies appear in the following quantities:
====Bonus Level(s)====
Near the end of the level, Squitter must build his web platforms up to the first Zinger he sees against the wall to the right. He will have to defeat this foe, and then go through the wall behind it. If he does so, he will be able to make his way to the nearby [[Bonus Barrel]], leading to the [[Bonus Level]]. Here, the spider must build more web platforms to climb all the way to the top of the Bonus Stage. There are brambles all around him, so he must be careful when he jumps. Once he gets to the top of the area, he will be awarded with a [[Kremkoin]].

====DK Coin====
After Rattly finds some bananas in the formation of the letter A, he must jump up and get over several thin platforms. After the last platform, he will see a Zinger. The snake must defeat this foe and fall down the small gap below it. He should make his wall to an alcove on the right of the gap, where the [[DK Coin]] is.
Kaboing DKC2 gray.png|[[Kaboing]] (gray) (4)
Kaboing DKC2 green.png|Kaboing (green) (2)
Kannon DKC2 enemy.png|[[Kannon]] (1)
Klampon DKC2.png|[[Klampon]] (2)
Zinger DKC2 yellow.png|[[Zinger]] (yellow) (45)
Zinger DKC2 red.png|Zinger (red) (7)

====Golden Feather (GBA Only)====
==Items and objects==
To get the [[Golden Feather]], Rattly must enter an area filled with platforms, where he will find the letter K. Then, he should bounce down to the platform below it and preform a super jump. He will grab the feather in mid-air when doing this.
The following items and objects appear in the following quantities:

====Photograph (GBA Only)====
After the Kongs turn into Squitter, they will have to build webs past the level's Bonus Stage to find a Zinger with a [[photograph]] over his head. If the spider defeats this enemy, he will be given the photograph to help add a picture to the Kongs' scrapbook, exclusively in the [[Game Boy Advance]] remake of ''Donkey Kong Country 2''.
Banana Bunch DKC SNES.png|[[Banana Bunch]] (9)
Banana Coin.png|[[Banana Coin]] (5)
DK Barrel.png|[[DK Barrel]] (3)

===''Donkey Kong Land 2===
===KONG Letters===
====Bonus Level(s)====
[[File:Toxic Tower DKC2 shot 3.png|thumb|Squawks lowers himself to the letter G.]]
Near the beginning of the level, Rattly will meet the level's second enemy: a Zinger. Instead of jumping on this foe to reach the next ledge, the snake should just hop right past it an enter the Bonus Barrel. Once he is in the Bonus Level, he will have to bounce off of many insects to make his way across a wide gap. When he reaches the other side, he can grab the Kremkoin and exit the bonus.
*'''K:''' As Rattly, he must pass the first few Zingers. By bouncing up a few platforms and keeping to the right, Rattly can find the letter K floating just left of the wall.
*'''O:''' After passing a Kannon, Rattly must continue bouncing up the stage, passing a line of three Zingers and two individual ones along the way. After passing them, he ends up in an isolated room with ten Zingers sorted in an oval arrangement. The letter O is located on the right, above the third Zinger, who is hovering at the wall.
*'''N:''' As Squawks, after passing some [[Kaboing]]s, he must continue up a narrow pathway and pass a few Zingers. After flying around the red Zinger, Squawks must continue flying upward. He appears in a symmetrical room with a Zinger flying in the center. By flying directly right, Squawks can collect the letter N in a small opening of the wall.
*'''G:''' A while after collecting the letter N, Squawks encounters a row of four Zingers. By defeating the leftmost Zinger, he can hover down an opening to obtain the letter G.
===Key items===
[[File:Toxic Tower DKC2 DK Coin.png|thumb|The location of the Video Game Hero Coin]]
*'''[[DK Coin|Cranky's Video Game Hero Coin]]:''' After bouncing from three Zingers in succession, Rattly comes across a series of narrow pillars, where he must perform a supercharge jump. After jumping from the pillars, Rattly finds a Zinger blocking an opening, which can be accessed by defeating the Zinger. Down the opening, the Video Game Hero Coin is in a small alcove to the right.
*'''[[Golden feather]] (Game Boy Advance version only):''' After bouncing from the first two Zingers, Rattly lands back on the ground. From there, Rattly must perform a Supercharge jump to reach the golden feather (its located is hinted to by a single banana). Alternatively, Rattly can bounce on the third Zinger and jump from the second platform on the right.
*'''[[Photograph]] (Game Boy Advance version only):''' As Squitter, he must shoot a web projectile and defeat a Zinger above the one  blocking the wall to the Bonus Area. This photograph shows an image of Squitter on the fifteenth page of the [[Scrapbook (Donkey Kong Country series)|scrapbook]].
==Bonus Area==
[[File:Toxic Tower DKC2 Bonus Area location.png|thumb|Location of the first Bonus Area]]
Toxic Tower has only one Bonus Level, listed by its type:

====DK Coin====
*'''Find the Token!''': Shortly after the Kongs transform into Squitter, he must create web platforms, keeping to the right, until finding a Zinger. Squitter must defeat the Zinger and walk through the wall behind it. The [[Bonus Barrel]] is located on the other side. The Bonus Area is themed after a [[bramble]] location, and Squitter is enclosed between a series of two brambles. The brambles and the wide path between them are in a zigzag pattern. Squitter has thirty seconds to reach the top using his web platforms. His path is directed by a couple diagonal trails of bananas. The [[Kremkoin]] is on a wooden platform at the very top.  
At little while after the first Bonus Barrel, Rattly will enter a large area filled with many of platforms. On the first level of platforms, he must bounce his way to the left. He should see the DK Coin in a small alcove.

==Names in Other Languages==
===Super Nintendo Entertainment System===
Toxic Tower DKC2 Kaboing.png|Rattly encountering a Kaboing near the start
Toxic Tower DKC2 slime.png|Rattly gets caught in the toxic waste
Toxic Tower DKC2 Squawks and Zingers.png|Squawks encounters two Zingers; he must defeat the yellow one to maneuver around the red one.
Toxic Tower DKC2 shot.png|Rattly sits on a platform under a Zinger.
Toxic Tower DKC2 Bonus Area 1.png|The Bonus Level
Toxic Tower DKC2 shot 4.png|Squitter in his segment of the level
Toxic Tower concept.jpg|Concept design of Toxic Tower
===Game Boy Advance===
Toxic Tower GBA Rattly Barrel.png|The Rattly Barrel at the start
Toxic Tower GBA Golden Feather.png|Rattly finds the golden feather
Toxic Tower GBA Letter N.png|Squawks flying to the letter N
Toxic Tower GBA Squitter.png|Squitter going up the level
==Names in other languages==
{{foreign names
|JapR=Dokudoku Tawā
|JapM=Poisonous Tower
|Spa=Torre Tóxica
|Spa=Torre Tóxica
|SpaM=Literal translation}}
|SpaM=Toxic Tower
|Fre=Tour Toxique
|FreM=Toxic Tower
|GerM=Toxic Ruins
|Ita=Torre Tossica
|ItaM=Toxic Tower
*Unlike in other castle levels where the windows in the background are black, the windows in this level show a visible sky. The toxic waste's surface also spans past the background wall, rendering it visible through the windows as well.

Image:Toxic_Tower.png|Rattly climbs up the dungeon.
Image:AttackOfTheGreenGoo65.jpg|The slime catches up to Rattly.
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[[Category:Donkey Kong Levels]]
[[Category:Crocodile Isle]]
[[Category:Crocodile Isle]]
[[Category:Donkey Kong Places]]
[[category:Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest]]
[[Category:Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest levels]]
[[Category:Levels with Squawks]]
[[Category:Levels with Squitter]]
[[Category:Levels with Rattly]]
[[Category:Donkey Kong Land 2]]