Hello, I am Super Pie Man (not the real Super Pie Man, of course). I am a Super Mario Wiki user. My favorite Mario game character is Super Pie Man. Wait, that's not a Mario game character... He's the star of the series of adventures I made up called, The Adventures of Super Pie Man! It is a cool series of adventures. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Pie... Oh, sorry. Where was I? Oh yeah. The first adventure in the series is called, Super Pie Man and the Falling Mega Goomba! It goes like this:

Super Pie Man and the Falling Mega Goomba!

One day, Super Pie Man was walking along, when suddenly, a Mega Goomba fell from the sky, threatening to crush Super Pie Man! "Oh no!" said Super Pie Man. However, he wasn't scared, for he knew exactly what to do. He cried out, "Super Pie Powers activated! I choose Super Pie Speed!" He then used his Super Pie Speed to run out of the way of the falling Goomba, and when the Goomba hit the ground, it exploded, coating everything in a thick layer of apricot jelly! Then Super Pie Man said, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Apricot... Yum, yum! I think I will eat it all day long!" Then, Super Pie Man ate the apricot jelly all day long.

The End

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Apricot... Oh, sorry. Where was I? Oh yeah. The first adventure in the series is called... Hey, wait a sec! Wasn't I doing this before? Uh-oh, a serious case of dejavu is happenin' here... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...