Single Sculls

Revision as of 13:03, August 15, 2009 by Marioguy1 (talk | contribs)


Single Sculls (or Rowing) is a real-life olympic event in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and the only one in the "Rowing" category. The point of this event is to cross the finish line before the rest of the players. It involves pressing buttons together to speed up whilst doing the row action.


This game is really simple. All that has to be done is for the player to row with excellent timing as fast as possible. It is a race to the finish line and the first one there wins the prize.


To play only the Wii Remote is needed. Press the button(s) specified on the screen and pull the Wii Remote back. If green notes come off of the character it was bad and if red ones come off, it was good! For example, if the B Button appears on the screen, the player must press the B Button and pull back the Wii Remote like they're rowing. At the begining mostly As and Bs appear for the player to press but as the finish line gets closer A+Bs start appearing. When the finish line is incredibly close, the buttons disappear and all the player has to do is pull back the remote with good timing. Only four players can participate in this event and the first of those four across the finish line wins.


Constant skill, as well as raw power, is required to make the continual adjustments necessary to keep your skiff moving in a straight line. Work your way along the course and cross the finishing line before your opponents to win.