Who's online: PhGuy12, Mario jc, BMfan08, Sdman213, Camwoodstock, Wild Blacksmith, N8Digets, ReeceeYT, PrincessLover7777, Bowserbros, Simbarashe118, Fritzrick, Mario revolution, Mrmonkeman69, DrippingYellow, Ray Trace, Joe Cherries, Ahemtoday, Mario, Tom-Jerry, DrBaskerville, Green Star, Zootalo, Doc von Schmeltwick, Super Mario RPG, SurpriseGmg, GreenToxic

hello people I used to spam my userpage but no longer will.


I have a 3ds and a wii.

I have some Mario games here they are: super Mario 3d land

Mario kart 7

super smash bros 3ds

Yoshi's new island (I like yoshi, but not this game!)

super Mario maker for 3ds

new super Mario bros 2 (I hate that game too!)

xenoblade chronicles 3d (I know it's not Mario but it's one of my games!)(LOST)

Mario kart ds

super Mario 64 ds

that's all the games I have!

and here's my sig!

King Boo in Mario Party 8MKDSFTalk!King Boo in Mario Party 8


I also plan on getting a switch!