List of Donkey Kong Land 2 glitches

This is a list of glitches in Donkey Kong Land 2.



If Diddy or Dixie moves from one vertical rope to another and happens to hit a Klinger while changing ropes, the Klinger will be defeated.


When falling down for a long period of time, Diddy/Dixie will fall faster than the screen can keep up with. Eventually, if they disappear off of the bottom of the screen, the game will mistakenly think they fell down a pit and will cost a life. The screen will have an even harder time keeping up if there are numerous sprites on the screen that cause lag, which is especially noticeable in levels like Parrot Chute Panic and Black Ice Battle.

This glitch is actually present in some form in every DKC (for SNES) and every DKL, but is most common in this game.

A variation of this glitch occurs in Bramble Blast. After the first bonus stage, there are three Blast Barrels that fire once the player press A. If the player presses A rapidly enough, Diddy/Dixie will be shot out so fast that a fourth Blast Barrel right after the first three will not show up until they are already past it, causing them to miss it and get hit by the brambles instead.


In Pirate Panic, if Diddy or Dixie takes a barrel and then drops it (by pressing Down before letting go of B) on a barrel platform, the barrel will fall off the platform to the ground below.