List of Luigi's Mansion quotes: Difference between revisions

→‎Vincent Van Gore: (Added heart quote.)
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(→‎Vincent Van Gore: (Added heart quote.))
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==[[Biff Atlas]]==
==[[Biff Atlas]]==
*''"Look at this buffness! I'm huge! How'd you like to be my punching bag, weakling?"''
*''"Look at this buffness! I'm huge! How'd you like to be my punching bag, weakling?"'' (heart quote)

==[[Boo]]s and [[Boolossus]]==
==[[Boo]]s and [[Boolossus]]==
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*''"We're gonna do to you what we did to your brother...only worse."''
*''"We're gonna do to you what we did to your brother...only worse."''
*''"That scaredy-cat Luigi has made it this far...Oh, we're so frightened!"''
*''"That scaredy-cat Luigi has made it this far...Oh, we're so frightened!"''
==="Mysterious power of the Boos"===
;First visit
*''"Good evening, [[Luigi|dunce]]! I am the mysterious power of the Boos!"''
*''"Ahh, my little simpleton, don't think that you can vacuum ME with your [[Poltergust 3000]]! Why? Because, idiot, I am a mysterious power! Duh! Tell me, why can't you just be a good boy and let us turn you into a painting? That desire, the urge of all the Boos to get a nice painting of a fool... That's what created me..."''
*''"I cannot let you come further. I despise you and your pathetic Poltergust 3000! Just give up and become a painting, will you? Since that desire is what made me, it is all I can think of..."''
*''"There used to be 20 of us in this area, drawing on our collective strength, but our mysterious power decreases each time you catch one of us..."''
*''"Ordinarily your fate would be more dire, but tonight is a full moon, and we're feeling merciful... so we'll just blast you back to the front of the mansion!"''
*''"Ready? Set?"''
*''"BOOO!!!"'' (GameCube version)
*''"Go, loser!!!!"'' (3DS version)
;Second visit
*''"Hello there, nitwit, I am the mysterious power of the Boos that still remain..."''
*''"Just try to get all 20 of us if you can dunderpate! Ha har! Now go back to the beginning and try again, lunkhead!!!"''
*''"Horsey... rocky... horsey..."'' (heart quote, sleeping)
*''"Hey! Wanna play with me?"''
*''"Stay away!"'' (heart quote, attacking)
*''"Ow! You gave me an owie!"''
*''"I just wanted to play with you... I HATE grown-ups!"''
*''"... Why do you have to be bigger than meeee? I've had enough!"''
*''"..........Small... Now grow smaller!"''
*''"Small! Itsy! Tiny! Little! Wee! Ga ga goo go GA!"''

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*''"You made me face red for sure, moustache-boy! Maybe you'd fancy gettin' stuffed into one o' these here jars!"''
*''"You made me face red for sure, moustache-boy! Maybe you'd fancy gettin' stuffed into one o' these here jars!"''
*''"Filthy annoying plumber. Go back to yer pipes!"''
*''"Filthy annoying plumber. Go back to yer pipes!"''
*''"Here I come, then..."''
*''"If you wants to see me jars, let's 'ave it on, then!"''
*''"Yuk yuk! I win again! Ta, mate!"''

==[[King Boo]]==
==[[King Boo]]==
*''"What's that he's got on his back!? It's E. Gadd's Poltergust 3000! Everybody scram!"''
*''"What's that he's got on his back!? It's E. Gadd's [[Poltergust 3000]]! Everybody scram!"''
*''"I don't plan to give up my favorite decoration. I like Mario where he is."''
*''"White gloves!"''
*''"Aahh, I could just stare at my Mario painting for hours!"''
*''"A cute little moustache!"''
*''"It's true what they say about fine art... it takes utterly refined sensibilities to truly appreciate it!"''
*''"Soft shoes!"''
*''"The way you plead for help, Mario... I find it so... satisfying. Perhaps that is merely because I remember how much trouble you've caused me in the past."''
*''"How did [[Mario|you]] get out of my...?"''
*''"... Seriously, though, who would actually believe that mansions get given away in contests?! Talk about stupid!"''
*''"... Huh? Wait just a second... Your clothes"''
*''"What do they feed you Mario brothers anyway, gullible soup?"''
*''"Hey, you must be [[Luigi]]! Whoa, you had me a bit confused for a moment there!"''
*''"Your brother came all this way just to get turned into a painting... It's just terrific. However... This Mario painting looks lonely... I must have a Luigi painting as well! Then my gallery will truly be complete! Bleah HA HA!"''
*''"What? You want me to release Mario? Riiiiight."''
*''"No, no, no. I will not give up my favorite decoration. I like Mario just where he is."''
*''"Hey, so what's that you got there? A Poltergust 3000?!"''
*''"Uh oh!"''
*''"What should we do, Boos?"''
*''"Good idea, guys! All Boos in this area, gather your strength! We'll blow him away!!!"''
*''"... We'll take a big Boo breath..."''
*''"...and blow you away!!!"''
*''"Aahh, I could just stare at my Mario painting for hours! It's true what they say about fine takes utterly refined sensibilities to truly appreciate it!"''
*''"The way you plead for help, Mario... I find it so...satisfying. Perhaps that is merely because I remember how much trouble you've caused me in the past."''
*''"... Seriously, though, who would actually believe that mansions get given away in contests?! Talk about stupid! What do they feed you Mario brothers anyway...gullible soup?"''
*''"Your brother came all this way just to get turned into a painting... It's just terrific."''
*''"This Mario painting looks lonely... I must have a Luigi painting as well! Then my gallery will truly be complete! Bleah HA HA!"''
*''"I'm not afraid of you, fool! I fear only that infernal Poltergust 3000 you carry on your back! Stupid machine!"''
*''"I'm not afraid of you, fool! I fear only that infernal Poltergust 3000 you carry on your back! Stupid machine!"''
*''"But I am a KING among Boos! I swear it, I shall fear no mere house-cleaning device!"''
*''"But I am a KING among Boos! I swear it... I shall fear no mere house-cleaning device!!"''
*''"I must say... I despise the way you SHWEEERRPP-SHLOOOOP-WHOOORPP-SHLEEEOOORG-vacuumed up all my friends!"''
*''"I must say...I despise the way you SHWEEERRPP-SHLOOOOP-WHOOORPP-SHLEEEOOORG-vacuumed up all my friends!"''
*''"Don't imagine that I'll flee... I'll fight you like a true Boo! Now join your brother... inside the painting!"''
*''"Don't imagine that I'll flee... I'll fight you like a true Boo!"''
*''"Now join your brother..."''
*''"...inside the painting!"''

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*''"Isn't my hair just gorgeous? Of course, I do spend a lot of time on it. I was so bored cooped up in that painting... Now I spend all my time in front of the mirror. It seems to scare people, though, so everything is coming up roses!"'' (heart quote)
*''"Oh dear... Such a draft..."''

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==[[Melody Pianissima]]==
==[[Melody Pianissima]]==
*''"My name is Melody. People call me the spectral beauty of the ivory keys!"''
*''"My name is Melody. People call me the spectral beauty of the ivory keys!"''
*''"What a stirring performance! I haven't been so charmed by a piece for ages!"''
*''"You must have a delicate ear for music. Would you like to listen to my piano sonata?"''
*''"Well, here I go."''
*''"Exactly right! You got it!"''
*''"Very impressive! I guess I needn't hold back with you!"''
*''"Would you care to do battle with my lovely Music Sheets?"''

==[[Professor Elvin Gadd|Professor E. Gadd]]==
==[[Miss Petunia]]==
*''"Ahh...a piping hot shower!"'' (heart quote)
==[[Mr. Bones]]==
*''"Fer the luvva dirt, make that yappy dog be QUIET!"''
==[[Mr. Luggs]]==
*''"No one can see me in this darkness! No one no one no one noooooooooo-one!"'' (heart quote, before candles are lit)
*''"It's so bright here. Everyone can see me eat! ...I don't care, I'll just keep eating!"'' (heart quote, after candles are lit)
*''"Hey, it's a funny man. Should I play with him?"'' (heart quote)
*''"Ho ho ho ho... Go ahead, try to find me. I can see you, but you cannot see me, ho ho ho ho..."'' (heart quote)
*''"Anyhoo, I'm getting very sleepy..."'' (heart quote, 3DS version)
==[[Professor E. Gadd]]==
*''"I'm getting too old for this ghost-catching tomfoolery."''
*''"I'm getting too old for this ghost-catching tomfoolery."''
*''"Anyway, nice to meet [[Luigi|you]]. I'm Professor E. Gadd."''
*''"Anyway, nice to meet [[Luigi|you]]. I'm Professor E. Gadd."''
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*''"Alright, youngster! Look lively! Follow me, posthaste!"''
*''"Alright, youngster! Look lively! Follow me, posthaste!"''
*''"So your name's Luigi? I think our paths were destined to cross. Well met, Luigi."''
*''"So your name's Luigi? I think our paths were destined to cross. Well met, Luigi."''
*''"If I told anyone else, they'd have me committed."'
*''"Hmmm? Where's this, you ask? Why, these cozy quarters are where I do my ghost-studying. Professor E. Gadd's Ghost research laboratory! The Lab, if you're of a shortening mind."''
*''"So you won this mansion in a contest you didn't even enter? Sounds pretty fishy to me... So you really believe the mansion exists then. Well, I've been living here ever since I was a lad of twenty or so, and I'll tell you... That mansion appeared here just a few days ago! The spirits have fooled you! I don't know if it was a dream or an illusion or whatnot, but I surely wouldn't be too happy winning a haunted house. Now that I get a good look at you, I just remembered a guy with a red hat like yours walked up to the mansion without stopping to chat and he never returned. Was he a dream too? What? That guy was your brother?! That's horrible! He would never stand a chance against those ghosts without my help! You have to go after him!"''
*''"You won this mansion in a contest you didn't even enter? Sounds pretty fishy to me... So, you believe the mansion actually exists, then... Strange."''
*''"Outstanding work! You're like a leopard on the hunt!"''
*''"I've been living here since I was a lad of twenty or so, and I'll tell you: That mansion appeared just a few days ago! The spirits have fooled you!"''
*''"You stalk Boos like a master! Hail the fearless Boo hunter!"''
*''"I don't know if it's a dream, an illusion, or what-all, but I surely wouldn't be too happy winning a haunted house!"''
*''"Did you see that Boo just give up at the end, Luigi? Your reputation is spreading!"''
*''"Now that I get a look at you, I just recalled... A guy with a red hat kind of like yours went up to the mansion without even stopping to chat... and he never returned. Was he a dream, too?"''
*''"Well done, Luigi my boy! This time I have a special bit of information for you! Hey, since you're cleaning the place up anyway, it wouldn't hurt to help out the plants in the mansion. You know what plants like, don't you?"''
*''"What? That guy was your brother? Oh no! That's horrible! He wouldn't stand a chance against those ghosts without my help! You have to go after him!"''
*''"Well done, Luigi my boy! This time I have a special bit of information for you! Ghosts other than Boos will not appear in the direction you're looking, so you'll have to sneak up on 'em backward... but I bet you knew that already, heh!"''
*''"Here's the plan: I'll teach you to deal with ghosts so you can rescue your brother, Luigi."''
*''"Well done, Luigi my boy! This time I have a special bit of information for you! You've seen some small ghosts other than the Boos, haven't you? Well, I'm pretty sure they're ghosts freed from the paintings of the ghost artist, Van Gore. I had a passel of trouble the first time I captured him... I know that artists strive to give life to their canvasses, but this guy brought ghosts to life every time he picked up a brush!"''
*''"I detect spirits stronger than we've yet seen lurking ahead. I must be some of those escaped gallery ghosts!''"
*''"The tiger creeps up behind its prey... and strikes like lightning!"''
*''"You know that they're really different from the other ghosts you've seen so far. They don't show their hearts very easily. Nope, not at all.''"
*''"Tip-top, Luigi! You remind me of myself at your age..."''
*''"When you find one, you should first use the '''X Button''' to search its heart for clues. Sometimes you can learn the best way to surprise 'em"''
*''"Well, Luigi, I keep my fingers crossed for you."''
*''"Oh, thank goodness you're OK! I lost contact with you all of a sudden...I was a tad worried."''
*''"Hmm. You seem to be a bit tuckered out after that long battle, don't you?"''
*''"Why don't you come back to the lab? When you vacuum a Boss ghost, your [[Poltergust 3000]] gets pretty much full to bursting."''
*''"But...ho ho...I guess you showed that [[Chauncey|boss ghost]] who's boss!''"
*''"Take a gander at this. This fine piece of work nearly twenty years to develop! I call it the [[Ghost Portrificationizer]]. This machine lets us turn the ghosts you catch into paintings. Not only that, it works in reverse, too!"''
*''"Hm? How do you use [[Ghost Portrificationizer|it]], you ask? Well, it's simple. Just plug that Poltergust 3000 into that slot and enjoy the ride, my boy!"''
*''"The ghosts are we need them into visible forms and presto! Beautiful ghost portraits!"''
*''"Heh heh heh! Looks like you've run into a bit of trouble there. Maybe you need more training!"''
*''"There are some [[Grabbing Ghost|ghosts who'll try to grab]] and hold you...When that happens, try moving your Control stick back and forth to shake 'em off!"''
*''"It's the age old struggle for survival, my boy! Don't lose heart, Luigi!"''
*''"That was [[Boo|them]]! Those were the ones who released all of the ghosts from the paintings in my gallery! Those fiends!"''
*''"I wondered where [[King Boo]] and his gang had gone. So, they were hiding the mansion all along...Thanks for flushing 'em out, Luigi."''
*''"I'm tickled you found 'em but...perhaps it would've been better if you hadn't, well...let every single one escape. Just a thought."''
*''"Ah well, water under the bridge. Anyway, you should probably come back to the lab for a sec.
*''"I've been waiting for you, young Luigi."''
*''"Your brother must've been taken by that gang of Boos...Poor feller..."''
*''"Oh now, don't talk crazy. They're not gonna eat the [[Mario|man]]."''
*''"But what became of him, hm? Odd that he hasn't come back."''
*''"Common theory holds that Boos grow in strength when they travel in numbers. They must somehow combine their powers too...Their power likely overwhelmed your brother.''"
*''"If your aim is to save Mario, there's but one way to do it: capture each Boo and slowly weaken the group's power!"''
*''"But Boos, as their name implies, like to hide and then jump out to scare people. You've got your work cut out finding 'em..."''
*''"Heh heh heh. Don't get all down in the mouth, my boy! That [[Game Boy Horror]] I gave you has a secret function! I knew it's come in handy one day, so I developed it secretly. I call it the Boo Radar."''
*''"The Boo Radar will flash red when something round like a Boo is hidden nearby. Use it search everywhere, Luigi!"''
*''"All right now, sonny. Don't go tuckering yourself out. Relax, and just try to get those Boos one at a time. The trick is using the Control Stick and C Stick together. Don't forget, now!"''
*''"Mercy! You've already caught your first Boo! I've been researching those guys...
*''"Well these Boos don't seem to like light much, that's for sure. They do their best to hide in and under furniture when they're stuck in a lit room."''
*''"So then I reckon that turning on all the lights in the mansion is the fastest way to find all of the Boos. Wouldn't you say, youngster?"''
*''"Okay, now send me the Boo and all the data you've got."''
*''"It's like you were born to capture Boos, Luigi!''"
*''"Ho! You're on FIRE, Luigi! ON FIRE!"''
*''"Ho! You're on FIRE, Luigi! ON FIRE!"''
*''"You give those Boos what-for, Luigi!"''
*''"Unbelievable! There's no stopping you, Luigi!"''
*''"Unbelievable! There's no stopping you, Luigi!"''
*''"You're busting out all kinds of wild techniques today, Luigi!"''
*''"You've already found five Boos! You're a Boo-snaring maniac!"''
*''"Heh heh. Well done, Luigi!"''
*''"I understand you're worried about your brother, young feller, but just take 'er easy. You have plenty of time still, so try to keep your shirt on."''
*''"Why not go to the [[Washroom (1F)|Washroom]] and splash some water on your face? You'll feel much better, believe you me!"''
*''"Aren't you just loving my brilliant inventions?"''
*''"Hey now, Luigi! What have you found there? Let's take a look at that."''
*''"...Ohh...Ahh...It's...a [[Elemental Medal|Fire Elemental Medal]]! Now you can use the Fire Element!"''
*''"Yes sir, with that, you can catch [[Elemental Ghost|Fire Elemental Ghosts]]!"''
*''"Hm? What's a Fire Elemental Ghost, you ask? Why, they show up whenever you see fire, my boy! They're ghosts of fire itself, if you will."''
*''"If you approach a flame, they'll be surprised by your presence and leap out into the air. Then you vacuum 'em up right away! After that, you can expel fire with the L Button. You can melt ice, light candles, do all kinds of stuff."''
*''"A meter will appear down at the bottom of the screen, so keep an eye on how much element you have left, OK, feller?"''
*''"You may have to use the Fire Element to defeat some ghosts...Keep that in mind, sonny! Don't say I never warned you!"''
*''"You're doing great, Luigi!"''
*''"Fantastic! Way to go, Luigi!"''
*''"Fantastic! Way to go, Luigi!"''
*''"Tonight I’ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!"''
*''"Hey now, Luigi! Now what have you stumbled across?...Ohh...This time...It's...a [[Elemental Medal|Water Elemental Medal]]!"''
*''"Now you can use the Water Element! My research shows that these particular [[Elemental Ghost]]s leave their watery dwellings whenever you approach. You know the drill, vacuum 'em up!"''
*''"I hear there are some ghosts who can be defeated only with water, actually...Also remember water has purifying properties, so use it well..."''
*''"Don't get caught up with your new squirt gun, Luigi!"''
*''"Good to hear you're still OK! I list signal when that lightning struck."''
*''"Hmm. That was some battle you had there. Why don't you come on back to the lab?"''
*''"What? You think the lightning damaged the Poltergust 3000? Don't worry about it!"''
*''"Even if that lightning had cooked your goose, your Poltergust 3000 wouldn't even have a scratch! Heh heh!"''
*''"Hey now, Luigi! What have you found there? Let me see it!"''
*''"...Oh...Ahh...It's... an [[Elemental Medal|Ice Elemental Medal]]! Now you can use the Ice Element!"''
*''"Ice Elemental Ghosts are only found in chilly places. You'll probably find them in refrigerators and cold areas like that..."''
*''"My research shows that they come out of hiding when you approach. Use the L Button to expel Ice Element once you vacuum one of these ghosts up!"''
*''"If you press the L button all the way, you can shoot out a frigid lump of ice."''
*''"Yes-siree. When water gets cold, it freezes, right? Ice can be effective against water. You could use it on water ghosts, for example."''
*''"Even a hot bath would get cold pretty quick if you iced it down. Yep, that's a very convenient item you found there, Luigi!"''
*''"Yowzer! You got another one! You're cruising, Luigi!"''
*''"Don't get scared stiff, Luigi!"''
*''"Careful now, Luigi!"''
*''"Well done, Luigi my boy! This time I have a special bit of information for you!"''
*''"You've seen small ghosts other than Boos, haven't you? Well I'm pretty sure they're ghosts freed from the paintings of the ghost artist, [[Vincent Van Gore|Van Gore]]. I has passel of trouble the first time I captured him..."''
*''"I know that artists strive to give life to their canvasses, but this guy brought ghosts to life every time he picked up a brush!"''
*''"Did you see that Boo just give up at the end, Luigi? Your reputation is spreading!"''
*''"Oh, what a relief! That white mist interrupted your signal. Hmmmm. You seem to have done some serious work there! Why don't you come back to the lab?"''
*''"We can have dinner while we gaze at these ghost paintings! Tonight I'll make an old family recipe."''
*''"Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marmalade!"''
*''"Are you done appreciating art for today, Luigi?"''
*''"This is the gallery. This is where I hang all my paintings... ghost paintings, that is!"''
*''"When I was young, I designed a machine to turn ghosts into paintings, and I traveled the world collecting 'em. Oh, it was glamorous, I tell you!"''
*''"Well, then. Now I have to tell you...a horrifying story... The last ghost I caught was No. 22, Boolossus, but there are lots of Boos, and King Boo rallied them all to take revenge upon me! They used my machine to free Boolossus from the painting... then they went and turned all my other portraits back into ghosts, too!"''
*''"As if that weren't enough, they built a mansion in front of my lab in the space of a single night, and then they all hid inside! If I told anybody else this stuff, they'd probably have me committed!"''
*''"I'm sure my portrait ghosts are somewhere inside the mansion. I just have to get 'em back!"''
*''"Just looking?"''
*''"I designed the Game Boy Horror as a communications terminal. It has all sorts of functions. For example, you can press the Z button to see a list of the items you've picked up. Give it a try after you get some coins. Of course, you'll also be able to see portrait ghosts there once you capture some."''
*''"You can also use the Y button to display a map of the mansion. The display will color the rooms as you visit 'em. Check the map if you ever get lost."''
*''"Got all that, sonny?"''
*''"All right, then!"''
*''"Where will you go, Luigi?"''
*''"Good luck!"''
*''"Luigi, you did it! Truly remarkable, my boy! I supplied the Poltergust 3000, but you ran with it all the way to the top, sonny!"''
*''"You've made me so...SNIFFF...proud...SNORT! Get ahold of yourself, Gadd!"''
*''"... What's that? You found King Boo? He jumped into a painting of Bowser, you say? He even blew fire at you?"''
*''"... Well, well... In all my years of ghost research, I've never heard such a fantastical tale! ... And that career spans sixty years, mind you. Why, I still recall starting out as a young whelp who trembled at the mere thought of a ghost, TREMBLED, I say..."''
*''"Oh, beg your pardon! This old brain goes recollecting every now and then... I could sit down and fill a week spinning ghost yarns. Why, just last..."''
*''"... Right, well, anyhoo, Luigi! Grab your brother's painting and bring him to the lab! Heh heh heh... The poor little feller's fallen asleep..."''
*''"He must have just collapsed with relief and exhaustion when he saw you arrive... I'll get the machine ready to return your brother to his former state, all righty? I'll be expecting you both!"''
*''"This'll mess with your head: All your hard work lasted only a single night! Well done, Luigi!
*''"The mansion those Boos built disappeared into the night, but that treasure seems to be real. I have no interest in such stuff, so go on and keep it all! Use it however you like!"''
*''"Say what? Enough rattling on about money? I guess we'd better get your brother back then. Of course, your brother's really important, but first we have to take care of these last ghosts!"''
*''"I'd wager dollars to donuts that nobody but me has such lovely paintings! Heh heh heh!"''
*''"Ghosts seem to like darkness, and they avoid the light. So if you hit 'em with a flashlight beam all of a sudden, you can stun 'em momentarily! Then it's vacuuming time!"''
*''"When you see your chance, hold down the R button and tilt the Control Stick in the opposite direction!"''
*''"Just give it a try. You'll learn more that way than just listening to me yap about it."''
*''"Remember, as soon as you see a ghost's heart, that's your chance to vacuum 'em up! While vacuuming, tilt the Control Stick in the opposite direction to bring 'em in!"''
*''"When that surprised ghost's heart appears, vacuum it with the R Button and the Control Stick. Tilt the Control Stick in the direction opposite the ghost."''
*''"Tilt the Control Stick in the opposite direction quickly and repeatedly for the best results! You have to get as close as you can before flashing the light."''
*''"Surprise 'em with the light when they get close! Pow! Pow! The more, the better! Got it?"''
*''"Ghosts love to hide in dark places. Isn't that a hoot? There! Here they come!"''
*''"Catching ghosts means using the flashlight and the Poltergust 3000 as a team, you get me, young feller?"''
*''"That'll do! Well, how many did you get?"''
*''"Whoo-hoo! Nine ghosts! Excellent, Luigi!"''
*''"Hey, seven ghosts! That's how to do it, Luigi!"''
*''"Six ghosts? Well done, Luigi!"''
*''"Impressive, Luigi! All of the Boos have been captured! I can honestly say that I didn't expect you to get them ALL! You really are a true Boo Master! Now all you need to do is to get your brother back! I'm sure you'll be just fine, but be careful all the same!"'' (3DS version, if all 50 Boos are captured)
*''"Ah, the beautiful Melody will not even give me the time of day... What must I do to win her? Passion! Yes! That's it! I will show her I burn for her! My unbridled passion will scorch her soul!"'' (heart quote, before candelabra is lit)
*''"The burning flames of unbridled passion! Or... wait, how about the passionate flames of unbridled burning?"'' (heart quote, after candelabra is lit)
*''"Ahhhhh! Fire! Fire! Fire! Run away! Run awaaaay!"''

==[[Sir Weston]]==
==[[Sir Weston]]==
*''"Darn, I love the cold, I mean, I just plain love it!"'' (heart quote)
*''"HOT! OH VERY HOT! You! You're making it too HOT!"''
*''"HOT! OH VERY HOT! You! You're making it too HOT!"''
*''"I'm going to cook in this heat! I'm going to melt!"''
*''"I'm going to cook in this heat! I'm going to melt!"''
Line 146: Line 324:
*''"People who start fires in this mansion had better be ready to pay the price!!!"''
*''"People who start fires in this mansion had better be ready to pay the price!!!"''
*''"Now learn your lesson!!"''
*''"Now learn your lesson!!"''
==[[Slim Bankshot]]==
*''"You want some of this?"'' (heart quote)
==[[Spooky (character)|Spooky]]==
*''"Woof woof woof!"'' (heart quote)

==[[Sue Pea]]==
==[[Sue Pea]]==
*''"...Do not try to wake me..."''
*''"I won't wet the bed... I promise."'' (heart quote)
*''"Ngggh, snurrggghhhkk, ZZZZZ!!!"''
==[[Toad (species)|Toads]]==
===[[Foyer (Luigi's Mansion)|Foyer]]===
*''"Boo hoo hoo! Where did you go, Mario? Waaaaaah! Wah!"''
*''"Huh? Luigi?"''
*''"Waa... Wow! It's Luigi! You finally made it! Oh, joy! Thank goodness!"''
*''"Me? Well, [[Princess Peach]] asked me to come here to look for Mario. He left when he heard that you'd won a mansion, and he never returned!
*''"Th...then when I arrived here, the mansion was full of ghosts, and I didn't see Mario anywhere, and I kind of freaked out a little, and I didn't know what to do!! It's been awful!"''
*''"Please, please, please, you HAVE to help me find Mario! If he doesn't get back, you have no idea how upset the princess will be! She'll flip!''"
*''"Yay! Thanks, Luigi! You made my dark and stormy night!"''
*''"I wish I could do something to help you... Wait! I've got it! At least let me do this..."''
*''"Talk to me for help anytime!"''
===[[Balcony (2F)|Balcony]]===
*''"Waaaah! Waaaah! Mario, where are you? WAAAAH!"''
*''"Huh? Luigi?"''
*''"Yes! Luigi! How lucky that you found me! I feel so much better now!"''
*''"Please, please, PLEASE save Mario! I looked everywhere! I can't find him! Where is he?"''
===[[Bathroom (1F)|Bathroom]]===
*''"Sniffle... I, uh... I dropped a REALLY important [[Key|thing]] into the toilet. I didn't mean to!"''
*''"Heyy! You're right! No point crying over spilt milk!"''
*''"I suppose I'll just flush that old worry away. Yup, I'll just let it swirl on down to the depths and let happiness refill my life!"''
*''"What in the...!?"''
===[[Courtyard (Luigi's Mansion)|Courtyard]]===
*''"You saw him, didn't you? How could they DO that to Mario?"''
*''"When I saw him like that, I completely lost it and ran through the mansion looking for a hiding place!"''
*''"While I was running, though, I did happen to notice that Mario left some of his things lying around the place."''
*''"A [[Mario Cap|hat]], a [[Mario's Glove|glove]], a [[Mario's Shoe|shoe]], a [[Mario's Letter|letter]], and a [[Mario's Star (item)|star]]. I saw five items altogether."''
*''"I'd go collect them for you if I could remember where they were. Yeah... I probably should've picked some up..."''
*''"Whaa-huh? Really?! You'll find all Mario's items for me!?"''
*''"Oh thank you so much, Luigi!"''
*''"You're a true Mario brother!"''

==[[Uncle Grimmly]]==
*''"Boo hoo hoo! Where did you go [[Mario]]? Waaaaaah! Wah!"''
*''"Nobody will find me because I'm old, cranky and, by gum, people are afraid of me!"'' (heart quote)
*''"Wah...Wow! It's Luigi! You finally made it! Oh, joy! Thank goodness!  Me?  Well, Princess Peach asked me to come here to look for Mario.  He left when he heard that you'd won a mansion, and he never returned!  Th...then when I arrived here, the mansion was full of ghosts and I didn't see Mario anywhere, and I kind of freaked out a little, and I didn't know what to do!!  It's been awful!  Please, please, please, you HAVE to help me find Mario!  If he doesn't get back, you have no idea how upset the princess will be!  She'll flip!''"
*''"I wish I could do something to help you.. Wait! I've got it!"''

==[[Vincent Van Gore]]==
==[[Vincent Van Gore]]==
Line 159: Line 380:
*''"You filthy swine! You're blind to zee life I give my creations!"''
*''"You filthy swine! You're blind to zee life I give my creations!"''
*''"Zen very well... I will show you zee mastery of my art!"''
*''"Zen very well... I will show you zee mastery of my art!"''
*''"Now does he grasp zee power of my creations?"'' (heart quote)
*''"My... my creations!!"''
*''"My... my creations!!"''
*''"But even if I disappear, my work will live on..."''
*''"But even if I disappear, my work will live on..."''
