User:Ghost Jam

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Jelly Soup
I likes me my bones!
Name: Chris
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Notes: DryBones is god.

My real username is Jelly Soup, but someone already took that name here (see story below). I'm the same Jelly Soup found on

As a sysop, my main job is to make sure articles don't get screwed up and to ban idiots that like to post advert tags all over the place (or just idiots in general). These days, I deal with deletions mainly.

Feel free to post a topic on my talk page if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions (about MarioWiki or otherwise).

My Story

I joined the wiki not long after it's creation. See, at that time, the only active contributors were me and A Link to the Past (with some help here and there from Steve and Geno Kirby).

Problem is, I had a roommate at the time. I created the account Jelly Soup, as that is the name I normally use online. Due to issues at school, I didn't use the account for several weeks. But my roommate did. By the time I got back here, my roomy had started a fight with Link (who is rather overzelous about Mario). Seeing that I would never be able to work with the guy under that name, I made this account. By this time, a few more people had joined (partly due to me advertising on a few private message boards), but no serious editing was going on (apart from what me and Link did).

Link quit not long after, as people weren't doing what he wanted. The only two big contributors at this point were me and Geno Kirby. Geno added in random artical information and sorted out a lot of the mess. I set to work on two things: 1. Trying to fix multiple redirects/links to the same places (which was a major problem at the time) and 2. Trying to integrate categories into the wiki. I think the latter was more successful. I'm proud to see what the category tree has become in just a little over a year.

As more and more active users joined and school got busier and busier, I realized it wasn't necessary for me to watch play watchdog anymore. The wiki was capable of standing on it's own two feet. So, I let other members handle the big stuff. Now I use my synops powers for house cleaning (page deletions, page moves, blocking idiots, etc.).

For Your Convenience