
Joined June 3, 2009
Revision as of 22:05, June 3, 2009 by MusicalYoshi (talk | contribs) (MusicalYoshi's User Page)
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MusicalYoshi is a Nintendo gamer, radical Yoshi lover, and music composer. He has appeared on numerous websites and forums, some of which are: YouTube, LiveMocha, Playfire, Yoshi Art Forums, and Mario Kart Wii Forums. He has given gifts of Music and Yoshi to these websites through his words and actions, hence the name MusicalYoshi. He is quite proud in what he does and has done, but he is not haughty and has no intention to brag about anything. His pride is mostly found in the three things above: Nintendo gamer, radical Yoshi lover, and music composer.

Nintendo Gamer

MusicalYoshi found his interest in Nintendo and the Mario series on the debut of "Super Mario 64" for the N64. Once he played that game, he has become attached to Nintendo ever since. Casual gaming and constant innovations of Nintendo make it his absolute favorite video game company. Today, he is mostly into games with Yoshi, but he plays a variety as well.

Radical Yoshi Lover

MusicalYoshi has an extreme bond to the cute dinosaur, Yoshi! His love for Yoshi started about 2 years ago, about the same time he started to learn the piano. He is approximately 5.7189 times more attracted to Yoshi than the opposite sex! He carries no shame with his preferences. Yoshi makes him happy enough. Many things that MusicalYoshi did were tributes to his dearest Yoshi. He has made musical scores, pictures, poems, and a few narratives dedicated to him. Some of his narratives and pictures are directly pointed to his extreme side of his Yoshi love fetish! MusicalYoshi is undoubtedly one of the top 50 Yoshi lovers in the world.

Musical Composer

MusicalYoshi plays the piano and the ocarina (from Zelda!). MusicalYoshi composes music with the video game style inspired by Nintendo's Koji Kondo, Kazumi Totaka, and Shinobu Tanaka. He started composing 2 years ago and has composed 45 pieces that are waiting to be published. MusicalYoshi's favorite style is ragtime, and he strives to be a good representative of that style. MusicalYoshi performs music too. He played in a talent show which got him 3rd prize, but that was when he possessed no real skill. Rejoice.


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