Hi. Merry Christmas. Happy Chanukah. Happy Kwanzaa. Joyous Festivus. Blessed Saturnalia. Happy Non-Denominational Wintertime Holiday to you and yours. Your friendly neighborhood forum admin Three K here with a holiday-themed special ‘Shroom thingy for you to scan with your eyeballs.
I'm here to share one of my New Year's Resolutions with you guys. I was going back through some of my old posts and noticed something I didn't like seeing. It has come to my attention that I have been, how can I put this nicely, kind of a jerk to this community's Pokemon fanbase. For that, I apologize. I'm sorry if I ever offended any of you. I'm sorry if I ever made it sound like I insulted your taste in games or anything else. That's no way for a higher-up to act. Basically what I'm getting at is that I promise to knock that off. I've always been against the act of fan-hating, but for me to turn around and do it myself is downright hypocritical of me. Again, I'm sorry.
Let's all do what we can to make this community a great one in 2013!