The 'Shroom:Issue 213/Staff Notes

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Staff Notes

Written by: Shoey (talk) and Meta Knight (talk)

Shroom2024 Shoey.png

Hello and welcome to Issue 213! It's the holiday season, the lights are up, the Christmas songs are playing (it's really just a loop of the Chipmunks' Christmas song), and we've got a lot of 'Shroom goodness for you! In addition to our usual sections, Clawgrip has penned a special Christmas story in Palette Swap. Meanwhile, in Fake News, local beat reporter Claw Gripstofferson gives us an update on the stunning Mushroom Parliament election results. Also in Fake News, Waluigi Time (talk) has been provided with a Police Blotter about a very fiery fugitive of justice!

After our Awards Director Election last month, the votes are final and the winners are Roserade (talk) and Hooded Pitohui (talk), beating the recent trend of incumbents losing in high-profile elections.

Speaking of elections, in other exciting news, my time as 'Shroom Director is nearing its end! I know, I'm excited too! But you know what that means, right? That's right! It's democracy time! You - that's right, you - can vote on who will be our next 'Shroom Director! It could even by you! That's right, you! Anybody interested in running or voting can just follow this link for more details. The most important things are that you put any campaigns on the talk page, that voting will start next Saturday, and that you should be prepared because there could be a debate!

That's all I have. Now I turn it over to Sub-Director Meta Knight to talk about the End-of-the-Year-Awards!

Go Bills

Shoey, Director

Shroom2024 MetaKnight.png

Another year has gone by just like that! To cap-off 2024, we have for you The 'Shroom: Issue 213! I hope this year has treated you all well. Truth be told, every year has both good and bad, so I hope you are able to find something to help keep you going through this holiday season. As the year comes to a close, it calls for a time of both reflection and celebration. That's right, it's time for the annual End-of-the-Year Awards! Many people have helped contribute to The 'Shroom, both big and small, so we want to recognize their efforts throughout the year. Maybe you can get on the list next year if you decide to sign up. I don't want to keep you waiting any longer, so happy holidays, and I hope you enjoy some quality leisure time as you read through the last issue of 2024.

Meta Knight, Sub-Director; Statistics Manager

The 'Shroom: Issue 213
Staff sections Staff NotesThe 'Shroom SpotlightPoochy's PicksEnd-of-the-Year AwardsDirector ElectionCredits
Features Fake NewsFun StuffPalette SwapPipe PlazaCritic CornerStrategy Wing