Laundry Room (Luigi's Mansion)

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The Laundry Room is a room in Area Two of Luigi's Mansion.

Using the Key he got from the Fortune-Teller's Room, Luigi unlocked and entered the Laundry Room. Immediately upon entry, he noticed two doors, one on the front wall and one on the back. When he looked at the door on the back wall closer up, Luigi discovered it was fake and burned it away using his Fire Element. Then the ghosts attacked. Luigi made short work of them all and scoured the room for treasure, including that in the green treasure chest he received for beating the ghosts. When Luigi opened the washing machine, he found Mario's Hat, the first of five items he would need to take to Madame Clairvoya.

The Laundry Room is a small, cramped room. Nontheless, it has space for a washing machine, laundry basket, cabinet, and a small bucket complete with mop and cleaning supplies on a high shelf.


If Luigi scans the washer it will say, that Mario just throws his hat in the washer, while Luigi handwashes his own hat.
