Super Mario Maker Wallpaper Maker

Template:More images Template:Infobox Super Mario Maker Wallpaper Maker is an activity on the Play Nintendo website. It was made to promote the release of Super Mario Maker.


The game starts with a title screen with the options to create a desktop wallpaper or a mobile wallpaper. A list of resolution choices then shows up. Desktop also supports a Facebook cover. Mobile contains suggestions for certain devices' resolutions.

The mouse is used to place course elements, similar to the Course Maker from Super Mario Maker. Mario can also be dragged to different locations, however he cannot be removed. The shaking mechanic is not included. Super Mushrooms can be used to supersize enemies, and can also turn Small Mario into Super Mario, along with the opposite effect.

A button that activates Mr. Eraser to erase elements placed exists, next to a button with Reset Rocket that removes all elements placed. A download button with the Coursebot icon can be used to download the wallpaper.

All four game styles are included, featuring Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and New Super Mario Bros. U. All six course themes are included too, featuring Ground, Underground, Underwater, Ghost House, Airship, and Castle.

Course elements

Elements marked with * can be supersized with a Super Mushroom. Every wallpaper features flat Ground, but ground cannot be placed or removed.

Website description

Decorate your desktop

Create your very own Mario-inspired background scene with the Super Mario Maker Wallpaper Maker activity! It’s a lot like creating a course in the Super Mario Maker game—you get to pick the style, theme, items, and enemies you want to use. But with this awesome activity, you can actually create wallpaper for your desktop or mobile device. Ready to get started?
