“Why isn't my Kindle on fire if I ordered a Kindle Fire?! ogm scam!!1!!!11!1”
Kindle, Super Mario Wiki

Hi there! My name is Kindle, and yes, I always come on the SMW on my Kindle Fire.

I love Paper Mario: Sticker Star, and I'm pretty good at it, so if you need help with a certain puzzle, I'd be glad to help.

Other than Mario, I enjoy reading Harry Potter, the Percy Jackson series, and the Hunger Games. I also like playing games and apps on my Kindle.

About me

dat clone jump... hawt

I love PMSS a lot. If you would ask me what was my favorite sticker, I'd say the Clone Jump because it's mighty powerful and it reminds me of SMB 3, (Goomba Shoe ftw :P) with the downside of being crazy expensive... (60 COINS?!? HIGHWAY ROBBERY!) I will most likely be on daily, so if you want to talk to me, I'll be here.