List of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS quotes: Difference between revisions

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==Big Bob-omb==
==Big Bob-omb==
*(to Yoshi) "I'm the Big Bob-omb, baron of all blasting matter, king of ka-booms the world over! Incredible! You've made it this far even without a mustache. I commend your courage. Be that as it may, I can't just give you my precious Power Star. You must defeat me in battle if you want it! You'll be quite helpless facing my Bob-omb minions. Now put your tounge back in your mouth. It's quite undignified. Let's battle!"
*(to Yoshi) "I'm the Big Bob-omb, baron of all blasting matter, king of ka-booms the world over! Incredible! You've made it this far even without a mustache. I commend your courage. Be that as it may, I can't just give you my precious Power Star. You must defeat me in battle if you want it! You'll be quite helpless facing my Bob-omb minions. Now put your tongue back in your mouth. It's quite undignified. Let's battle!"

*(defeated) "Ow! That hurts! How did I lose to a bald-faced fellow like you? Let's just keep this between you and me. I'll give you my precious Power Star in exchange. If you want to see me again, just select this Star from the menu."
*(defeated) "Ow! That hurts! How did I lose to a bald-faced fellow like you? Let's just keep this between you and me. I'll give you my precious Power Star in exchange. If you want to see me again, just select this Star from the menu."
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*(before battle) " Who...break...seal? Wake...aincient...ones? We no like light...Rrrrummbbble...We no like...intruders! Now!"
*(before battle) " Who...break...seal? Wake...ancient...ones? We no like light...Rrrrummbbble...We no like...intruders! Now!"

*(defeated) "Grrrrumbbble! What...happen? We...crushed like pebble. You so strong! You rule ancient pyramid! For today...Now, take Star of Power. We...sleep...darkness."
*(defeated) "Grrrrumbbble! What...happen? We...crushed like pebble. You so strong! You rule ancient pyramid! For today...Now, take Star of Power. We...sleep...darkness."
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*(to Yoshi) "Bwa ha ha! I'm no ordinary Goomba...I am Goomboss, the great Goomba, the grand pooh-bah Goomba. That Mario always stomps on us. But now the tables have turned! I locked him up in a room. I bet he's crying like a baby. I have no business with you, so scram! There's no way a prehistoric wimp like you could beat my stupendous stomps!"
*(to Yoshi) "Bwa ha ha! I'm no ordinary Goomba...I am Goomboss, the great Goomba, the grand pooh-bah Goomba. That Mario always stomps on us. But now the tables have turned! I locked him up in a room. I bet he's crying like a baby. I have no business with you, so scram! There's no way a prehistoric wimp like you could beat my stupendous stomps!"

*(defeated) "Beaten by a pip-squeak like you...How did that happen? Is it just the Goombas' fate to lose? I have Mario locked up in a room, you know. This key will open the door to his room! I still can't beleive you beat me."
*(defeated) "Beaten by a pip-squeak like you...How did that happen? Is it just the Goombas' fate to lose? I have Mario locked up in a room, you know. This key will open the door to his room! I still can't believe you beat me."

*(to Mario) "You're Mario!!! What are you doing here?! My underlings locked you up in that room. Never mind. I'll deal with you myself! Now I will trample you as you have trampled us!"
*(to Mario) "You're Mario!!! What are you doing here?! My underlings locked you up in that room. Never mind. I'll deal with you myself! Now I will trample you as you have trampled us!"

*(defeated) "Aaaaauuuuuuurrghhh! I am so angry I am cooking in my own succulent juices! The Goombas have lost...Again?! Is this our destiny?! To be trampled by oppressive feet for all eternity? No, we will definitely triumph next time! Yes, next time! The Goombas' fate is not defeat, but perserverance!"
*(defeated) "Aaaaauuuuuuurrghhh! I am so angry I am cooking in my own succulent juices! The Goombas have lost...Again?! Is this our destiny?! To be trampled by oppressive feet for all eternity? No, we will definitely triumph next time! Yes, next time! The Goombas' fate is not defeat, but perseverance!"

*(to Luigi) "Whaaa?! You're...Ma-Mari......Huh? Oooh, you're just that Luigi fellow. I confused you with Mario. Your mustaches look so similar. Pshaw! I'll deal with you specially. Now, bring it on!"
*(to Luigi) "Whaaa?! You're...Ma-Mari......Huh? Oooh, you're just that Luigi fellow. I confused you with Mario. Your mustaches look so similar. Pshaw! I'll deal with you specially. Now, bring it on!"
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*(to Wario) "I have my sights set on Mario. You're hardly even worth the energy it would take to trample you. But I do so love to stomp on those who have spent all eternity stomping my clan. And since you've come all this way...Bring it on!"
*(to Wario) "I have my sights set on Mario. You're hardly even worth the energy it would take to trample you. But I do so love to stomp on those who have spent all eternity stomping my clan. And since you've come all this way...Bring it on!"

*(defeated) "I can't beleive you just beat me like that...N-not too shabby. I figured you were a fighter with that mean mustache. I'll battle you again when I have some free time. You should thank your lucky stars that I've got such a packed schedule."
*(defeated) "I can't believe you just beat me like that...N-not too shabby. I figured you were a fighter with that mean mustache. I'll battle you again when I have some free time. You should thank your lucky stars that I've got such a packed schedule."

==King Boo==
==King Boo==
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*(defeated) "Ghosts...don't...DIE! Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here......alive?"
*(defeated) "Ghosts...don't...DIE! Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here......alive?"

*(all defeated) "Boooooo-m! Here comes the master of mischeif, the titan of terror, the Big Boo! Ha ha ha ha..."
*(all defeated) "Boooooo-m! Here comes the master of mischief, the titan of terror, the Big Boo! Ha ha ha ha..."

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===main entrance===
===main entrance===
*(to Yoshi) "Thank heavens you came too, Yoshi! Bowser has locked Princess Toadstool and all of us inside the walls. He stole our Power Stars, and is using their magic to create an evil land of monsters in the castle walls and paintings. Mario and his buddies went to retreive the Stars, but they haven't come back. Last time I saw them, they were heading to the room with the painting of the Bob-ombs. Where are they?! Are they taking a nap somewhere? Now it's up to you, Yoshi, to find them and retreive the Stars! We all are depending on you!"
*(to Yoshi) "Thank heavens you came too, Yoshi! Bowser has locked Princess Toadstool and all of us inside the walls. He stole our Power Stars, and is using their magic to create an evil land of monsters in the castle walls and paintings. Mario and his buddies went to retreive the Stars, but they haven't come back. Last time I saw them, they were heading to the room with the painting of the Bob-ombs. Where are they?! Are they taking a nap somewhere? Now it's up to you, Yoshi, to find them and retrieve the Stars! We all are depending on you!"

*(to Mario) "Mario! Am I glad to see you! I hadn't seen you in so long, that I was getting worried! Looks like you met up with Yoshi all right, huh? You better get back to finding the Power Stars. Princess Toadstool is depending on you! You are our only hope."
*(to Mario) "Mario! Am I glad to see you! I hadn't seen you in so long, that I was getting worried! Looks like you met up with Yoshi all right, huh? You better get back to finding the Power Stars. Princess Toadstool is depending on you! You are our only hope."
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*(with Mario's cap) "Mario, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. You look really good in it, so here you go!"
*(with Mario's cap) "Mario, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. You look really good in it, so here you go!"

*(to Luigi) "Huh? Who are you? Oh, yes...Luigi, right? You're always in Mario's shadow, so I didn't recognize you at first. Princess Toadstool is still trapped inside the walls. Won't you please retreive the Power Stars, Luigi? But don't get in Mario's way or anything."
*(to Luigi) "Huh? Who are you? Oh, yes...Luigi, right? You're always in Mario's shadow, so I didn't recognize you at first. Princess Toadstool is still trapped inside the walls. Won't you please retrieve the Power Stars, Luigi? But don't get in Mario's way or anything."

*(with Luigi's cap) "Luigi, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. You must have dropped it. If you want to become a full-fledged hero like your brother, you can't be so careless!"
*(with Luigi's cap) "Luigi, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. You must have dropped it. If you want to become a full-fledged hero like your brother, you can't be so careless!"
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*(to Wario) "Eek! Oh, i-it's you, Wario. You're looking as bad as ever. S-sorry! Sorry! Don't give me that dirty look. A-actually, now that I look closer, you look horrible. Erm, horribly healthy that is. I'm not just saying that. Have you been working out? Princess Toadstool is still trapped in the walls. We're all counting on your muscle to defeat Bowser and get the Power Stars. Wait a minute. You wouldn't sneak one out of the castle, right? Eek! J-just kidding!"
*(to Wario) "Eek! Oh, i-it's you, Wario. You're looking as bad as ever. S-sorry! Sorry! Don't give me that dirty look. A-actually, now that I look closer, you look horrible. Erm, horribly healthy that is. I'm not just saying that. Have you been working out? Princess Toadstool is still trapped in the walls. We're all counting on your muscle to defeat Bowser and get the Power Stars. Wait a minute. You wouldn't sneak one out of the castle, right? Eek! J-just kidding!"

*(with Wario's cap) "Wario, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. I knew it was yours because of its distinctive...erm...aroma. Actually, it reeked pret-ty bad. I can't beleive I touched it. You really should wash that thing more often. Anyways, here you go."
*(with Wario's cap) "Wario, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. I knew it was yours because of its distinctive...erm...aroma. Actually, it reeked pret-ty bad. I can't believe I touched it. You really should wash that thing more often. Anyways, here you go."

===near Course 1===
===near Course 1===
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*(to Mario) "Mario, Yoshi jumped in that picture chasing you. Did he find you? The mountain in that picture looks like a great place to relax. I bet it's a peaceful land, with no strife."
*(to Mario) "Mario, Yoshi jumped in that picture chasing you. Did he find you? The mountain in that picture looks like a great place to relax. I bet it's a peaceful land, with no strife."

*(to Luigi) "Luigi, I heard that you can run on water for breif periods. That's just increadable! I have a new respect for you, seriously. Oh! I know! Can you show me a backward somesault? Spin, spin, SUPERSPIN!"
*(to Luigi) "Luigi, I heard that you can run on water for brief periods. That's just incredible! I have a new respect for you, seriously. Oh! I know! Can you show me a backward somesault? Spin, spin, SUPERSPIN!"

*(to Wario) "Wario, it's impolite to shuffle noisily around the castle, you know. No matter how tough you's...umm...prohibited."
*(to Wario) "Wario, it's impolite to shuffle noisily around the castle, you know. No matter how tough you's...umm...prohibited."
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*(to Luigi) "Luigi, even if all the caps look the same, the one you've been wearing for years is special. Don't lose it or your luck will run out. If you lose your cap, hitting a ? Block will spell disaster! But don't worry too much. If you lose your cap, you'll find it in the course where you lost it--just look at the map below."
*(to Luigi) "Luigi, even if all the caps look the same, the one you've been wearing for years is special. Don't lose it or your luck will run out. If you lose your cap, hitting a ? Block will spell disaster! But don't worry too much. If you lose your cap, you'll find it in the course where you lost it--just look at the map below."

*(to Wario) "Wario, just because the caps look the same, the one you've been wearing for years is special. Your luck will turn bad without it. Don't count on your devilishily good luck to bail you out of this one, Wario. Without your cap, you'll only get trouble from the ? Block. You can find your lost cap in the course where you lost it. It should appear on the map below."
*(to Wario) "Wario, just because the caps look the same, the one you've been wearing for years is special. Your luck will turn bad without it. Don't count on your devilishly good luck to bail you out of this one, Wario. Without your cap, you'll only get trouble from the ? Block. You can find your lost cap in the course where you lost it. It should appear on the map below."

===near courses 7 & 8===
===near courses 7 & 8===
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*(to Mario) "Wow! You've recovered that many Stars? Way to go! You'll have us out of here in no time! Be careful, though. Bowser and his band wrote the book on bad. Take my advice:  When you fall from a high place, it'll hurt less if you ground-pound near the ground. If you go back to your room, you can switch places with Yoshi. Everyone deserves a chance to shine."
*(to Mario) "Wow! You've recovered that many Stars? Way to go! You'll have us out of here in no time! Be careful, though. Bowser and his band wrote the book on bad. Take my advice:  When you fall from a high place, it'll hurt less if you ground-pound near the ground. If you go back to your room, you can switch places with Yoshi. Everyone deserves a chance to shine."

*(to Luigi) "Wow! You've recovered that many Stars? Way to go, Mario! ...What? You're Luigi? I don't beleive it. Luigi couldn't have pulled off such an impressive feat! Stop trying to fool me, Mario! You might be wearing green clothes...But don't think I can't tell you two apart. Fine. If you're really Luigi, you'll be able to spin in the air after a backward somersault. You'll also have the amazing agility and be able to run on water for a second. You'll also be able to scuttle in Standard Mode by holding B. When I see you do all that, maybe then I'll beleive you're Luigi!"
*(to Luigi) "Wow! You've recovered that many Stars? Way to go, Mario! ...What? You're Luigi? I don't beleive it. Luigi couldn't have pulled off such an impressive feat! Stop trying to fool me, Mario! You might be wearing green clothes...But don't think I can't tell you two apart. Fine. If you're really Luigi, you'll be able to spin in the air after a backward somersault. You'll also have the amazing agility and be able to run on water for a second. You'll also be able to scuttle in Standard Mode by holding B. When I see you do all that, maybe then I'll believe you're Luigi!"

*(to Wario) "I can tell that you are obsessed with money. But since coins help you recover from injuries, we should all be so greedy. I hear red coins refill 2 peices of the Power Meter and blue coins refill 5. That's incredible!"
*(to Wario) "I can tell that you are obsessed with money. But since coins help you recover from injuries, we should all be so greedy. I hear red coins refill 2 pieces of the Power Meter and blue coins refill 5. That's incredible!"

===near entrance to course 10===
===near entrance to course 10===
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*(to Luigi) "You're really whaling on Bowser, Luigi! We'll have to call you the Luigi Brothers soon! I'll tell you a secret that will help you out. In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."
*(to Luigi) "You're really whaling on Bowser, Luigi! We'll have to call you the Luigi Brothers soon! I'll tell you a secret that will help you out. In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."

*(to Wario) "I guess I was wrong about you, Wario! You can't be all bad if you've retreived this many Power Stars. I'll trust you with some castle secrets: In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."
*(to Wario) "I guess I was wrong about you, Wario! You can't be all bad if you've retrieved this many Power Stars. I'll trust you with some castle secrets: In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."

===near courses 14 & 15===
===near courses 14 & 15===